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Messages - Illutian

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General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:58:59 PM »
mara gainsberg@cochy22

Goodness....I'm already looking to buy dyes and outfits with Zen points...I shouldn't have brought Mara here...she's very high maintenance.  >.<

Purple...who knew.

I look amazing, I know.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:16:13 AM »
Believe that means that for 4,000 points you'll earn 25% more. Not that it's really needed in this game.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 21, 2013, 08:48:01 AM »
I rather like how people are crying for a wipe.....

...but if the game was 'Officially Live' and they wiped these same people would be "flipping tables".

UPDATE: Here's what the 'Apology Pack' is -

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:19:50 PM »
I was at work Sunday morning so I won't lose an progress, but Throbble had made a bunch of progress Sunday morning. Lame.


Eh, it was kind of necessary...I figured it would be more than 7hrs though.

Really wish the Gateway programmers had put in an error check for:

-negative numbers

Those two checks, the fractions just for added stability, would have prevented this entire mess. :\

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:16:38 PM »
Oh there's an Auction House in this game?  lol

Diablo 3 didn't teach anyone anything...All these companies need better QA.

Actually, was the other-way around. A Blizzard Dev saw the D2 crowd, the AH of WoW, saw the RMT of the "Asian games"...then saw Paypal. And was like, "Y we not combine them?". And the Board was like "Brilliant!".

As for better QA? Try better Marketing Departments....MDs that stay the fuck out of the game's development time table.

This is why I'm really happy to see these crowd-founded games like Star Citizen, Shroud of the Avatar, and Divinity: Original Sin. We, the gamers, are Marketing. We know it takes time to make the game. And we don't want a rushed POS product.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:32:41 PM »
FYI: As of today there may be a rollback or, worse case, character wipe.

Apparently there was an exploit that allowed people to post using Neverwinter Gateway auction items for negative Astral Diamond. This would do something...not sure what. But the end result is people were 'printing' Astral Diamonds.

So...420 and Throbble, you two may not have characters when you next login. As you started about the time it [exploit] was ramping up into full gear.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 17, 2013, 10:59:32 AM »
According to forum post:

All keys appeared to be used with in 5min of the News post.

Seeing as the codes were placed inside images to prevent Text Mining. It's pretty clear that a lot of people watch for these codes. Probably putting them on accounts to sell later*.

*I think a WoW account with Scarab Lord title went for ~$10,000 USD on an eBay-like site.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:38:41 AM »
And...the first Bullshit Move is:

Posted at 3:30am EST. Nice of them to account for the majority of the USA to be asleep.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:09:45 PM »
How do I invoke?


You unlock it at...level 10 (or it might be 11), if you didn't move the default UI it's the UI Element to the left of the Zone Name (above the minimap).

Calia is in the game also.  She's got chars on Dragon and Mindflayer.

Calia...wasn't that person a young lady who played a very mean halfling (kick-boxing) monk? :P

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 16, 2013, 06:58:43 AM »

Throbby's gonna play too?

\o/ -YAY!

Like, omi-gawd, it's a reunion!

But seriously, the game is fun. I like the little things like traps being marked in that red column circle like in the NWN version of D&D.

I do warn. The AI, especially for companions, is....stupid. Sometimes the ranged units will glitch and decide to stay with in melee range off the enemy mobs you're attacking. This ends poorly for them.

Currently the max rank for companions is 15 unless you buy the rare (rank 25) or epic (rank 30). They do have 'Training Tomes' in game but they aren't purchasable (presumably with Astral Diamonds); tagged as "Coming Soon".

This struck many as a money grab to force high-leveled players to buy the Zen companions, but at this time there's only two healers. The rank 15 Cleric and the Rank 30 Angel....which requires 360 Ardent coins. That you get once per day for ya... 360 days later you'll have enough coins to buy the only Epic Healer :P

None of that should be a problem even if you two don't run a Tank/Healer combo.

Pro-tip 1: Any items you get from Promos are tagged as "Bound to Character" and will not stack with the same items dropped in game. I recommend using the Bound versions first as you only get small stacks of around 5 or 10.

Pro-tip 2: Leadership profession is the best profession to level first. Most of the tasks it offers reward XP, Coin, and Astral Diamonds

Pro-tip 3: Invoke every time you can. The first time awards AD, Ardent & Celestal Coins, XP, Random 30min boon, and sometimes a few consumables. After that you get XP, AD, Boon, and maybe and item for the next ~3 invokes. Then you just get a random boon. You can invoke at campfires too.

Pro-tip 4: Stock up on the kits (I run 50 each type). Also remember what Skill you have in the Powers tab. If you have 'Dungeoneering' you won't need the Dungeon Kits. I don't what the other skills are, but I assume Rogues would get the skill to replace the Thief Kits, Clerics would get one to replace Religions Kits, and Wizards would get one to replace the Arcane Kit.

Pro-tip 5: If you think a hidden area might have probably does; go explore :P

Special Note 1: 'Threat' is kind of wonky. So don't worry if you pull aggro. Every class has abilities to avoid damage; straight up dodges/blocks, or CC abilities.
Special Note 2: "Dailies" seem to reset at 3am EST (12am PST). So make sure you get them done...or else even though the counter will say you've completed, say, 3 runs of this particular skirmish your internal counter will actually be reset. -kind of annoying when you're 2/3 :P

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:27:11 PM »

I think you can just use the Account Name.

I believe mine would be: Illutian@Ivon

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 14, 2013, 05:46:13 PM »
And hopefully this time he won't spam kill me for lulz.

All I remember was "Hey, Khad, watch this." Then hellfire rained down upon me.......

EDIT: For those who may like a bit of a head-start:

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3 *spoilers*
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:43:25 PM »
Did Bioware have an answer to that?

"Artistic Integrity"

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3 *spoilers*
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:25:36 AM »
...okay...fine... I admit it! I got attached to the characters. And so I based my choices on "what would I do" and "How would they react [beyond the scope of the game's reaction]".

So that's where I get the "she'd be pissed if I did 'this' or 'that'."

As for Fairy Tale ending...Suicide Mission. 'nough said. :P

I like stories that have a 'sad ending'. But I really only enjoy those when I know it's not an absolute. I could choose in ME2 to have everyone die and Joker's left running back to tell the R-tards in the Citadel that I, Shepard, am not crazy...giant-assed Robotic Space-squids are really coming to kill us all.

...but I also had the option of saving everyone. I mean...I am Shepard after all...first human Specter....and if you want to argue that. We can go in this dark alley.

Anyway, so ya. I should be able to make the impossible, possible.

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:32:32 AM »
I don't understand.  What does Tali have to do with Synthesis?  The Quarians aren't synthetic, futher more if any race would rather not be synthetic it would be them, since they've had more trouble with synthetics than most.

I take it you made peace between the Geth and Quarians?  I couldn't do that since Legion was the only member I lost in ME2.  I was romancing Tali also, she's the bomb :P

This is precisely why I "blow up" about the endings.

I DROPPED 2 hours of gameplay because I knew that Quar and Geth could be united but didn't know you had to do the Quar/Geth missions in a certain order so I was like "wtf?!" when Legion was about to upload and Tali's talking about the Quar Fleet being annihilation if he succeeds. ya. Lost 2 hours because Auto-save had overwritten and the only manual save I had was way back....

I specifically wanted the 'good' ending.

As for the reason for Synth. Well.....I made peace with the Geth, had befriended EDI. And in my mind Tali wouldn't be okay with me cutting them loose just so I could bang her.

So in the end I'd have to pick Synth because Destruction isn't going to fly. And she wasn't too happy about the fact Quar used Geth like slaves so...Control is a no go. :\

ARGH! Fictional Character, why do I care for your well-being! D:

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 13, 2013, 09:41:59 AM »
lol but Joker is an emotional little child :P

I'm sure EDI can be fixed.  Don't you think?


Joker is the reason I didn't say 'fuck it' and leave the Normandy un-upgraded (if that's even a word).

But after watching the ME3: Citadel; Tali Romance video...I have to go's what she says before they all get back on the Normandy ["You'll do right by us" or something close to that].

After watching that...was like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK!"....guess I won't be saying adios to the Geth and EDI :\

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:13:58 AM »
I guess so.  Fairy tale ending should be a possibility...parade at the end etc..

You wanted the parade huh :P

I wanted to bang Tali and not have Joker hate me (because EDI [and all synths are dead]). :P

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 12, 2013, 09:13:03 PM »

The "happy" ending in ME3 has everyone survive but Shepard.  It's possible for him to survive the ending but you need to chose the "destroy" option.  He can survive that explosion but EDI will not survive.

The ending I chose was "destroy", with Shepard dying.  That's the way I wanted it to end anyway.  I played a renegade Shepard the whole way through, so it was fitting that he wouldn't survive.

Still not 'my' ending that Bioware promised:

"We have a rule in our franchise that there is no canon. You as a player
decide what your story is.

There is literally no excuse why a Shep + Synthetic + Organics wasn't an optional outcome...provided you had done things like make peace between the Quarians and Geth, destroy the Collector's Base, had max Military Strength (been so long I forgot the actual name) [meaning you played Multiplayer], and done a handful of other things that would have required true dedication...

Jeremy sums it up well:

His re-review after the Extended-cut DLC:

General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 12, 2013, 02:49:49 AM »

With the addition of the Extended Cut DLC I think the endings were very good.  There is a 4th ending, the one in which you lose :P

It was rushed. I mean. In ME2 you could have EVERYONE survive the Suicide Mission...if you planned ahead. But in ME3's ending there was no happy ending. And the added ending was more of a "Fuck off. And accept it." from Bioware. -Seriously, very few from the "Better Ending" Camp found that additional ending funny.

Also, unless the DLCs brought more, there weren't 16 different endings.

EA wanted the cash and was tired of the delays ( Google Result for Mass effect 3 delay).


General Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:38:51 PM »
I repeatedly shoot the fucking space child.

FUCK YOU BIOWARE, FUCK YOU AND YOUR "We don't want an A,B, or C ending | so we're giving you a red, blue, green ending |".

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:35:53 PM »
It's about 4GB on disk.

So it shouldn't take long to download...I have to hand it to Cryptic for knowing how to pack the shit out of their games and the updates. Usually a 500MB update only downloads about 200MB of data.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:30:45 PM »
What server are you on?


Supposedly they'll be combining all the open beta servers into with STO.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 06, 2013, 04:20:34 PM »
For $200 you get 2-million Astral Diamonds....which are pretty much used for everything revolving around the Player.

-Auction House currency
-"Rushing" profession jobs (some take 2-days to finish) or Companion training (can be up to 2hrs [so far] to train)
-Purchasing 'Quick Gear' (just rares. Not Epics)
-Purchasing Zen (if you don't want to use real money)

But it's pretty easy to get just have to resist the temptation to "Finish Now" :P

*Special Note: That 2million AD is per account. And is only transferable to one character. But all the profession creations appear to be 'Bind on Equip'. And since every character and 'learn' every profession. You just need those diamonds on your main.

You also get:
-A mount that would normally cost you 2 gold.
-Adventuring Pack, which contains the much desired Identification Scrolls
-A weapon that'll last you easily into mid-20s (means all those weapon drops can be vendored/AH-ed)
-A companion that tears through the enemy

I feel that for $200. I spent money that I had and saved myself the hassle of 'grinding' to auction items for ADs (to buy ID Scrolls; they don't drop fast enough) and for gold.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 06, 2013, 01:55:40 PM »
It's in Open Beta. Normally you'd say "so?".

Apparently, Cryptic will not be wiping any characters from the Open Beta. :D

I would expect the Drow and some of the other notable races/sub-races (ie half-[race]) will likely be locked and require a separate purchase.

General Gaming / Re: Neverwinter (2013)
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:54:18 PM »
I'm surprised no more talk about this.

...but it is pretty fun.

Oh and you don't need to spend any RL Money on it.

Zen can be earned by selling Astral Diamonds, which you refine from Rough ADs (1:1 ratio)...which you get from Daily Quests or from the Profession System.
-Just takes longer.

NwN General / Re: Nice Article about PWs
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:59:43 PM »
I miss NWN...I still have my world Lyrasia (hell I still know how I spelled it! :D). Often wonder how far it would have gone had I gotten NWN say before ...Hordes of the Underdark was released (think that was the last 'major' [read CD-burned] expansion).

General Gaming / Re: What's Cochy up to?
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:50:14 PM »
Make sure to check out the steam workshop to subscribe to mods. Lots of good ones out there. What's your Steam username?

I hate that Beth didn't give the Skyrim Launcher the ability to run external code (ie SKSE).

It's a pain to remember to run the launcher to check for the updates to the 5 Workshop mods I run :\

PS: Skyrim Nexus has a pretty large array of mods, many of the Workshop mods are "ports" from Nexus...and usually are last to update.

PSS: I really love modding :3
Bella's Better Female:

Some of the mods in those shots have either been replaced (Bella's mod for example)

Complete list of all active mods (from Skyrim Nexus AND STILL AVAILABLE):

*Note: Several mods like FavoredSoul's stuff are no longer available, you'd need to get them elsewhere
-Yes, you do know you want 'One Handed Crossbows' (assuming you have Dawnguard DLC)...Demon Hunter (Diablo 3) anyone? :D

NwN General / Re: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 26, 2012, 12:40:30 AM »
Sure I'd like to get there to give them a shot.  I've read that dungeons are one of the weaker parts of the game though.

People probably rolling 5-man 'Bunker Builds' find the dungeons extremely easy.

In Guild Wars 2, a Bunker Build is a tank build that can take extremely high damage and heal through it.

For some builds I've seen them tank Champions, and if you've played WoW. Champions would be the elites for a Group Quest; in between 'Elite' and 'Boss'.

NwN General / Re: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:15:22 PM »
Why do so many people have trouble leveling in GW2 o_O
-Map Completion
-Daily Achievement
-Personal Story

lol...SWTOR f2p. SWTOR is Trialware.

It's total bullshit for EA's Corporate Douche-bags to say it's Free2Play when you can't even have EXTRA QUICKSLOTS; 2 slots...I filled those up by lvl 20.

PS: Shade disappeared again :(

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