Other > General Roleplaying

Haishin ((a story of betrayal))

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(Great, only one thing to polish up. An action (e.g. *Pulls out a shuriken and hits a guard*) would be simply said in first person (e.g. I pulled out a shuriken and threw it at/hit a guard.)

The man fights for me, and manages to back the soldiers up. I stick my foot onto the ground, and push myself up with the undamaged arm. "You may have rendered one arm useless, but this one still has some fight in it!" I run towards the soldiers, one arm down, and one arm cocked back ready to send a couple of the soldiers flying. I hit 2, almost like dominoes, and then knock out the last. "Thanks," I say to the man. "Now go, get some bandages." I fall back down onto the mountain side, bleeding.

(roll back lost my part of the story so... *sigh* ill try to do it again)

I looked back at the man... "I only did it because you looked desperate... It isn't fair that they team up on you like that... I'll go and get you some bandages from the soldiers supplies... my name is Hakitan, Kenoichi Hakitan." I went to get some bandages and noticed one of the soldiers still breathing.... he is only a kid like me... what do i do?

I lay my head down, and wait for Kenoichi to come back. "You might want to get anything else useful."

"I'll be there in a second." I look at the boy and try to wake him up *whispers* "Hey, kid, wake up..."  He wakes up dazed and not knowing where he is... he has amnesia.. "Hey sir, you might want to come over here... There is a fallen soldier... I think he lost his memory..."

"Oh, really? Well that's great. We'll try to wake him up... After we get my arm to stop bleeding so I don't die!" I push myself up again, and walk over to the soldier. I grab bandages out of a side pocket, sit down, and cover my arm. I tell Kenoichi, "Alright, kid. Help me take off these patches before he wakes up and finds out he's a soldier and starts attacking us." while ripping off patches sewed into his uniform.


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