could you all shed some light on why those "instant heals" are prohibitied yet regen spells are? both heal why is one allowed and the other not?
Regen can be dispeled, doesn't last that long either. It's very usefull againt monks but againt other clases it does less. At low level it's even not worth casting.
Heal just bumps up your health to max, no way to stop them exept making them fail a concentration check or silenceing them. If you managed to beat off 800 hp of a char you wouldn't like it heals then. Whit regen there's no way that the hp can be fully restored or you would have to duel for long time whitout getting hit.
On top of it, regen gives max 9 hp a round (stacking isn't allowed
Shifters can't help they get it on a shift to vampire or so.o
Heal can be casted each round and whit spellslots allows a character to virtual have 5000 or more hp. Just by a few spellslots.
Also, bard song gives temp hp and is a form of healing too. Divine power too. But I don't think they are as worse as heal in a duel.