?? You are gonna get NWN 2!
Well Anheg i not fell myself rdy enough cause im not getting adsl and as far i know nwn2 will need adsl 256 to up , so i not yet found a job to get money to pay a adsl for me. And im losing my hopes to find a new job since i went to numerous places to try to get a job good enough to pay at least a adsl . So after this i believe than im gonna quit , u cant say like im everything to doriath , im just a member like anyone. And with talentous ppls with great potential like ryu hayabusha , etc... doriath have everytthing to be the strongest clan.
that's an order boi
Oh well yes but is a kinda complicate , sorry about that. For a while im already working since i told to u on MSN 3 days ago for Doriath A TvT.
My days is already being counting to the NWN 2 day launch.
But i will tell one thing than was more important to me when since i joined doriath : u guys teached me about a felling than was totally unknown to me , the friendship felling , is really prazerous to get at least one friend. For that i thank you guys very much.
Thats All