EDIT: OH and I still don't see any other threads in the 12-20AC forum that are actually discussing builds, strategy or anything constructive regarding 12-20AC. There is a reason for this I suspect.
I submit that there is in fact a third argument going on; the shit-stirring argument, in which:
1. The 12-20AC folk post "You're mean/immature/it's-just-a-game."
2. The 9AC folk post "You're an idiot/show some proof/go back to Russia, hippy!"
3. Throbblefoot kicks back with a bowl of popcorn and laughs.
From the popcorn bowl perspecitve, the 9AC folk are ahead in that, in addition to the stirring shit, they've posted compelling arguments in support of their opinions.
It seems clear that the 12-20AC folk fail to defend their game-play preference because they can't. The million-dollar question is: are they unable to defend it because there is no defense, or because they can't contsruct a logical argument?
(And yes, I know I've joined the shit-stirring argument. Here, *you* take the bowl of popcorn).