Author Topic: Build/Cheapness Discussion  (Read 22997 times)

Offline Hydros

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2004, 01:30:10 PM »
Agree Khad. This is nothing more then a whiner thread  <_<
« Last Edit: November 08, 2004, 01:30:30 PM by Hydros »
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.  [span style=\'color:purple\']Billy Cosby[/span]

Offline 420

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2004, 02:47:56 PM »
Agree Khad. This is nothing more then a whiner thread  <_<

Exactly, that's why it was split off from the "Xen's Idea" topic.


Offline gashmo

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2004, 06:20:52 PM »
i agree with bloodangel and maxou
there is nothing really "cheap" in any duel provided it works
sure u r annoyed at first maybe, but then
we can script right?.. if it is so totally broken then we fix it

but if we dont encourage people to try evverything.. then we wont know all the niggly and fun bits (or the "broken" bits) anyway.

so more fun all round to have sneakers, wofers and whatever that last one was yup...

(personally i hate g sanc and sds.. but heck they have their day)

Offline Xen

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2004, 06:48:34 PM »
Ok, This is fucking rediculouse, READ this time k Im drunk mind the spelling:

I AINT SAYING ANYONE IS CHEAP, I mearly said, We should make a lil group that only use Damageing spells, No Status effect spells, and Basic offencive tactics.

Nothing that cause's: The player to loose sight (WoF, Hiding) Knocked down more than once(Hell Ball is included, Because it cannot be resisted)
I dunno what ever, Cant be bothered typing lol.

Basicly, I aint bitching about anyones builds, Only thing I find interesting is why people dont put any thaught into builds anymore. Every Joe Blogs and his Dog can make a WoF'er/Hider/Hell Baller.

What happened to tha strait Monks and STR palys with just buffs and Taunt/KD or like the Kick ass Druids, Dexers etc etc. The chars we used ta see. I dunno they might be there now havent been on ina while.

Later, Tired.

Offline 420

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2004, 07:28:45 PM »

What happened to tha strait Monks and STR palys with just buffs and Taunt/KD or like the Kick ass Druids, Dexers etc etc. The chars we used ta see. I dunno they might be there now havent been on ina while.


420 - Level 40 pure monk

Joe Fixit - Weapon Master STR fighter with no casting ability

Zarathustra Zoroaster - Cleric No Epic Spells, doesn't use WoF

Girdle of Melian - Zen Archer

AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Automatic Still Spell, Heavy Armor wizard (has HellBall but never uses it cause it lags out my sad computer)

Godspire is back up, I'm waiting for some "Xen-Duels"!

« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 07:29:31 PM by 420 »

Offline Blood Angel

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2004, 08:27:21 PM »
Dawn The Lionheart, my char, has been in the reserve for quite a while now. Simple taunting bard with a longsword (don't want a scimmi cuz longswords look cool). Only good duels I've had with that char is against BzK cuz he had a str char on once or twice too.

went to the farm very few times but didn't really expect to find anyone anyway. You are tho giving me some ideas for building purposes....
"Some birds aren't meant to be caged,
their feathers are just too bright.
And when they fly away,
the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoyce.
But still,
the place you live in is that more drab an empty that they're gone.
I guess I just miss my friend."
-The Shawshank Redemption

High Elf of Doriath
Alliance of Magi
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Blood Angel, �§oulkeeper, Dawn The Lionheart and Shadowblade.

Offline Talon

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2004, 08:46:42 PM »
some ppl don't like that they're dispelled that's just the way it is. I get mad if I fight mages and they dispell everything with a mord and I have to dispell their acid sheat with 5 dispells. That's a situation I wish the dispells just worked properly instead of dispelling 1 buff on ground, atleast the mage can't dispell my buffs and if he uses acid sheat I have a perfect excuse for losing, and it would be so true!

If the dispels worked 'properly', then they would still dispel all your buffs with mords. Only difference would be that you wouldnt have a hope in hell at dispellling anyone with 23+ caster levels though....

Offline Anheg

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2004, 08:52:41 PM »
Does someone have a book of NWN equations to figure all the stuff with? Or is that just talon?

lol, Talon...a member...?
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Offline Blood Angel

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2004, 08:53:06 PM »
O.o if they worked properly I'd still be using the lvl 31 cleric guy, then I've got a dc of uhm 31+11 against the dispell (mord), 20+20 :)

plz don't tell me I'm wrong on my own dc :( hate when I read rules the wrong way... upside down from the left corner :P lol.... guess that's kinda the right way tho :D
"Some birds aren't meant to be caged,
their feathers are just too bright.
And when they fly away,
the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoyce.
But still,
the place you live in is that more drab an empty that they're gone.
I guess I just miss my friend."
-The Shawshank Redemption

High Elf of Doriath
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Blood Angel, �§oulkeeper, Dawn The Lionheart and Shadowblade.

Offline Elessar Telrunya

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2004, 09:18:52 PM »
OK! Well, a while ago 420 said something along the lines of "Porn is in the eye of the beholder(no not the monster, the other kind)" now replace "porn" with "cheapness" and you have what everyone is complaining about. I mean come on! You're practically saying that all these "cheap" builds are bug abuses and that is why they win all the time(well not all the time) so get a grip on yourselves! its just a build. don't duel them if you must but frankly I am taking a stand now to duel anyone who wishes it unless they truely abuse a bug.

Lady Alasse: Dex AA, w/True Strike and is a spotter; Weakness: her strength, and can be easily dispelled of true strike.
Vladamir(Monk): Monk Hider(mostly dex monk) w/high stuning fist dc(i think); weakness: spotters, high wisdom chars and casters
Vladamir(Mage): Heavy Armor PM Mage, more adept at fighting meelees; weakness: other casters and high AB and health chars
Vladamir(Meelee): Whip Master w/True Strike and small shield; weakness: high ab and ac chars
Danny: Level 20 Cleric, sometimes uses wof and usually a sov; weakness: true mages
Little Alasse: hider slinger, strong sd, high shadow daze DC; weakness: spotters and high wisdom chars

as you see all of my chars have flaws that i intend to be there. ofcourse most of them i need to remake soon but allwell :)

-Lord Elessar

Offline gashmo

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Build/Cheapness Discussion
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2004, 09:54:19 PM »
Oh yeah Xen

i didnt mean to suggest you were saying those builds were cheap in a bad way...
but i gues si came acros sliek that..

Xen has a point. You see, way back in the days before players bothered about taunt and wof etc, there was such a thing as fiddling with the toolset to find every tweak you could find. for example, sometimes stacking ac bonuses would work on glove sbut not on belt etc etc, or you can get one more ac out of a weapon instead of putting it on something else etc etc

Those were the days of real pursit duellers - guys who looked down upon the tauners wofers and sds because they could slay them. Now thos eknights have ridden to another war, we are just playing with the other bit sof nwn we didnt explore : wof, taunt etc.

And yes, it is fine to make a great guild of players who never use those alternative tactics!