Author Topic: Goodbye  (Read 9169 times)

Offline Mercy

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« on: August 31, 2004, 04:34:18 PM »
As you have all have seen in the TSoGS topic, I am leaving. Not godspire, just the Marauders and TSoGS. I am tired of being an ass to everyone, and I know that I have gone so far that I have lost alot of friendships that I had. So I figure to start over, I may not gain back the lost friendships, but I will gain back myself. Those of you who know me the most, know how I truely am and should understand why I am doing this. I dont want to abandon you in times of war, but you really dont need me anyway. For now it seems I have grown far and apart from this wonderful clan. I've been a member since I came to godspire, and I always said I would be a member when Godspire was gone. Well I plan to stick to that word, I will be back, if you will have me. Goodbye friends.
Elessar: why is the shit coming from his head?
Anheg: cause its japanese?

Offline AngelsWings

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2004, 06:35:08 PM »
when people is sad they usually do a lot of stupid things.....
your bad moment will finishs and u will want come back to marauders and TSoGS again, so come back on your decision now please!!!!

we need you!!!  :D  
Angel - Amra [/span]
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-Melisa: "mm"