420, Do you have a life? Like, I mean, at all? Even just a little bit?
As for me, bah... I found a new forum I've been going to for about a month now, which was great timing since about that same time this place and RoD completely fucking died. Since the new place is busy all the time, and it's actually it's slow period right now, haha, I have something to fill my board-posting needs. Although my going there doesn't slow me down anywhere else at all, I am still checking every day and I actually check that place last, since I consider it least important. I simply didn't have things to reply to either here or RoD, so I quickly ended up at my last forum to check.
Apart from that, I'm getting more hours at work so I'm working almost every day now, though last week I had a few days off it was because my fiance had an appointment on one day and the other two I was horribly sick. Also I've been doing a lot of yard work, it's spring you know?
I'll be doing a lot of work this summer, both at home and at work, so my activity may drop a little, but I usually try my best to keep it up to par. I got a lot of things I want to get done and things that need getting done. I got a reception thing to plan, yard work to be done, wood to be cut and transported, septic and drainage problems to fix (outside fixes mostly), a desk to build, and so much more. In addition I have no idea if I'll be getting many computers to repair or not, or if I'll be stuck doing more website design crap. Which is a hassle for the time it takes. Mostly I think I'll be pretty busy this summer, tis going to be fun.
I've also been watching a decent amount of movies lately... not sure why...
Oooh, and I've been trying out Civilization 4 + expansions in the last few days. I really haven't got to play too much of it, I started last Monday night, played only a little and then I was sick the next two days unable to do anything at all until I was actually able to play some more Wednesday night. Didn't play at all on Thursday but I played some Friday and yesterday. It's pretty fun but it gets boring easy like 3. Partially because I'm too controlling, obsessive, and thorough.
Just bought over $70 in groceries today... scratch that, probably closer to $50 something. I guess $20 of that was gas, haha.
Rant over.
Anyway, fuck you guys I'm about to have some Macaroni and cheese! Yayaz!