Well of course... tis I. The gnome loving Raelias. I swear the gnomes of Azeroth will one day rule the continent.... I of course will be a gnomish mage. And don't worry you won't see me before I see if you see me seeing you on WoW.
. If that makes sense. Also I am a hardcore W3 player including NWN. I just topped the all time best on Naga Siren recently with a whomping 29-3 score. Had a diffusal blade, cranium basher, stygian desolator, monkey king bar, hyperstone, and a lothar's edge all on my char. So you know Blood... that's like +150 damage with 50% increase speed 45% chance to crit 10 casts of purge 5 second net holding and 3 mirror images duealing 45% damage each and wind walk and to top it all off the mirror images and myself each had bash and -5 Armor when they hit. Talk about ooberness!
Well since I am a hardcore W3 players I have a lot of friends going to play it with me. I'm planning on making a gnomish every thing and maybe one or two ogres with my friends if we can coordinate the joining right.
see you guys on WoW whenever it comes out.