Author Topic: Battle For Windfar  (Read 7928 times)

Offline Ivan-EoD-

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Battle For Windfar
« on: July 10, 2004, 05:49:30 PM »
In a land far from any, a dark time has arisen. First, I would like you to read about the town of Celustion. Created by me, it is a major part of the story.

Brief Description
Celustion Ã???? a name given to a town of heroes. Celustion is also a city of the gods. Populated with humans, half elves, and all other races of the world of Windfar. From Knights to Blackguards, and from White Robes to Necromancers, all types of living beings populate this dense city. A rich city, but not because of trading. One of the most famous cities of Windfar it is. What makes this city so special? It's location... As you can see on the map of Windfar Ã???? Celustion is right next to the Krave Mountains, nearly surrounded by them. In these mountains live dragons, hordes of them. If not for Celustion the dragons would fly off and destroy Windfar Ã???? force the mortals into slavery... But due to this city Ã???? the main exits of the 'Dragon Mountains' are blocked off (The Dragon Mountains are a section of the Krave Mountains). This city is the only defensive obstacle between the dragons and the outer world. Eternal war consists between the city and the dragons. Celustion needs not to trade Ã???? All of its needs are given for free to the men, the courageous warriors who protect the continent. All the gods bless this city to be at its best.

Celustion is based upon a solid cliff in the Krave Mountains. This cliff has been made into a platform for the city; this platform is circular rising about 400 feet into the air. The cliff sides are impossible to climb. It is of course Ã???? not a perfect circle, for it was impossible to do such feats at the time of the foundation of the city.

 At one side of the cliff, rises a natural ledge, which was craved, into a 15-foot wide staircase. The middle of this staircase, the stairs are broken off at 200 feet Ã???? to have a drawbridge on the other side, thus dividing the stairs in two parts. At one side of the staircase (the outward part) is a big, carved 4-foot tall stone wall. This wall has many archery sockets embalmed into it. At the other side of the staircase there is the cliff, but there is a special installment for the knights. A platform inside the cliff. This platform is surrounded by a thick stone wall from the stairs, and has one entrance on the top part of the staircase. This entrance is made of the hardest oak wood, made with anti-fire resist. Inside this platform lie rooms of equipment, bows, swords and much other weaponry. Inside this platform there are also one set of stairs Ã???? a ladder going down. This ladder stops and leads into one more platforms. This platform faces out into the side where the main city staircase is. There is an enormous amount of arrow sockets there as well.

Once you get to the top, you enter yet another draw bridge, which allows you to enter a stone building, which is the entrance to the city. High walls, going up 20-40 feet in height, surround the city. Loads of battlements rest on top of the walls. In one part of the wall, a building is made, to store the items and ammo to be used against the opponents. Boiled oil, arrows, lances, all of this itemry is stored in the building. The building is pure stone and about 1-foot thick on each side.  The walls completely encircle the city.

At the side of the cliff where the city faces the dreaded mountains (Its only about 100 feet away from a popular dragon entrance) lie the 'archer battlements'.  This is a series of battlements going down. A giant door guards the entrance to the archer battlements. There are 3 levels, each going forward and down to face the mountains. In the middle (Inside) of these battlements is a staircase that leads to the next battlement. Each level faces the mountain's sides. Numerous archery sockets are embalmed into the archer battlements. These areas are all rectangles squared and half-rounded (like the walls).
Towers rise in 4 spaces. Two are around the Archer Battlements; the other two are at the sides of the town. Inside the towers there are mini-catapults (the towers have no roofs). The mini catapults are small, and allow for about 5 fist-size rocks to fit. They are easy to reload, and are useful against the dragons. These mini-catapults are also found on top of the archer battlements.

Castle Celust. This is the castle of the town. It is surrounded by extra protection, having a draw bridge over a 30-foot deep canal-like area that surrounds the castle. The area is not filled with water though; it is filled with nothing except sharp foot-long spikes at the bottom. Any who pass the area must be careful not to fall in. The castle itself is build in the middle of the cliff. It is surrounded by walls as high as the outer-town walls, and has four levels. When you enter through the front gate, you have a way into the castle interior (which is a big huge wide tower), or the stairs to the side. The entrance into the interior also has a giant door. The stairs lead into the outer walls of the castle (level 2). Level 3 is when you go into the interior of the castle, and get up to a platform; this platform is a battlement area. Out of the 4 sides of the interior tower castle, go 4 'balconies'. They are protected with heavy walls, only about 2 - 3 feet high though. The front of these 'balconies' is sharpened into a tip, and rises up to about 7 feet. At the front, it is so sharp that if a dragon were to try to attack the user of the balcony, the dragon would be cut and ripped. There are mini-catapults on each of these balconies. The last level of the castle is the top of the tower. It does not end like a usual tower, with a roof, but like the other town towers, with an opening. This are is made specially. The sides are surrounded with the sharp edges like in the balconies, but are 10 feet tall. They are specially calculated, so that no dragon can touch the inside, thus making them only about 3-4 feet apart from each other. The 3-4 foot space is surrounded with 4 foot high walls. In the middle of the castle tower, is a spike going upward. Between all this are 4 mini-catapults. The royal rooms and treasuries, lie beneath the tower and the battlements of this castle. The rooms lie inside the round cliff the town stands on. Through a well-guarded tunnel, a royal one, you can go to find the dining area of the king. To the sides are the living rooms of the royal family, and there are stairs down to the guardÃ????s room. In the kings royal throne chambers, there is a secret passage to the treasury, as well as a tunnel out of the city, into the bottom of the cliff, an area secretly guarded, and hidden.

The normal town houses are dark gray color (As the rest of the town). There is a great amount of inns. These are built into the ground, to ensure safe rest, just like the hospitals and clinics. The normal townsfolk houses (not like there are many) are normal houses with normal roofs, except that the walls are Ã???? foot thick, and the houses are all gray. There are a few areas where the streets grow into a battlement with a mini-catapult and 2 ballistas on it (patrolled by soldiers). People are common to have a spike much like the main castle tower spike on top of their home.

There are many other unexplained dragon traps and dangers in the town, not listed above, but the ones above are the main.

Way of Life
The people of Celustion do not farm, they mine in the mountains for gold and silver, and any other metal the happen to find. 75% of Celustion is occupied with would-be heroes and normal heroes. The king states his reasons to keep the town, as do all of Windfar. If the town fell, the dragons would take over. All other towns send extra soldiers to help in this eternal defensive war.

Anyways -
Our story starts in a time when all nations will fight against the dark of the 'Black Peninsula' (All that is east of 'Path of Sigmar'). The world fights, and the town Celustion is nearly forgotten, but it should have not. The dragons see a valuble time.. A time of war, a time of hate. They strike at the town of Celustion when it is weakest - now.

'Raise the defenses!' a commander shouted, the time was dark, it was raining, heroes and soldiers ran among the streets to get ready for the dragon attack.

The start of the end, or the start of heroes - to the end.


Offline Ivan-EoD-

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Battle For Windfar
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2004, 05:57:04 PM »
I would also like you guys to read about the 'Merucai' race I have created. (They live in Windfar and only there)

Physical Features
-   6 and Ã???? foot tall
-   Broad Shoulders
-   Muscular (A bit more than human)
-   Little bent to the front (Back looks like its going up and front, not curved)
-   Big fingers, 3 normal, 1 thumb.
-   (2 hands, 2 legs, 1 head, no tail, no wings, no horns)
-   Legs are a little bent like a mix of < and (
-   Big ribs
-   No or little armor on chest and arms.
-   Very few body hair
-   Tough, Strong skin.
-   Pure Black eyes
-   Dark Brown skin
-   Elf Ears, with hair at the tops (not alot) just growing off the ears.
-   Hair growing back in between the two ears
-   Usual elf/human face. A bit bigger maybe.
-   Strong Arms, and Legs.
-   Tiger type claws on feet.
-   Long Sword and Small/Medium shield

Merucai were originaly found underground, in cities they have made in secret. But once, the distance between a city and the outside world was so close, that an earthquake shook the ground and it colapsed. Birds, and animals started getting inside the giant hole-like area. The city was vissible, but it was nearly covered with ground, and grass. The Merucai were in a state of disaster. At first they were afraid of light, but then they got used to it, and began to even like it. But in the other cities there was no such belief of light being good. They have never experianced light before. The one 'colapsed' city was called, Luntren. It was not too major of a city, but was indeed marked on a map. The Merucai from Luntren spread the word around their underground tunnels, to other cities. Some visitors came, were horrified to think that the light could in any way be good. Others came and thought it was a marvel. So the Merucai split in two. Many other Merucai cities acustomed themselves as Luntren the Colapsed City. This started a civil war. The 'dark' Merucai, and the 'light' Merucai. The Light cities war barred off from the Dark cities, but the Light cities had an advantage. They would use the items and materials from the outside world to help them win the war. The Light cities sent out a few of their own kind to explore the outside world. Each day these Merucai brought back marvels, that helped their semi-ground home. They made bows, clubs, weaponry. The Dark Merucai use northing but hands and feet. The first battle started. The Light Merucai were outnumbered, but the Dark Merucai, were badly defeated. Arrows rang through the underground homes, clubs and other weapons knocked out the Dark Merucai. Some of the Dark Merucai survivors fled, to tell the leader of the great loss, and the benifits of the Light. When they found the leader, he had an arrow through his heart. Then the Dark Merucai, gave up hope.

The war was won by the Light Merucai. Almost all Dark Merucai joined the Light Merucai now, Most cities were made into 'Light' cities. Luntren became the capitol of the nation the day the war was won.
One day, a Merucai went away from its city home, to explore the land. The Merucai loved to explore. The certain Merucai was named Bes Lithus. He had a theory Ã???? that the Merucai were not the only civilized race to live. One day, he heard voices. He was frightened. He did not understand what the voices meant. He hid near a tree, and looked. Another Race!! He thought. They were all dressed in some heavy plates. Bes came closer. They looked around and said something. The creatures kept walking forward. Bes, was a brave and honorable Merucai. He stood up, and said 'hello there' in Merucai language. The creatures looked at him, in horror, thinking it was a demon. They did not understand the language. Bes cam up to shake hands, to mean he comes in peace. One of the soldiers, was shaking but took the hand and shook it. Bes then took out some food, and gave it to the soldiers, to mean he would wish to be allies. The soldiers exepted the food, and to him to follow with a hand motion. They brought Bes to a city. There Bes lived for many years, with some of the soldiers, and the king. He loved this Human way of life. He learned the language of the Humans. Bes had learned all about elves, dwarves, dragons, and goblins. He knew as much as any human. Now he was asking to go back to his home, to welcome the rest of the Merucai to the Humans. The King greatly exepted this. His nation was one of the most powerful nations, on the continent. Bes went to his home, and took a band of one hundred Merucai to the human city known as Benulor. On their way, they encountered the goblins, and kobolds that Bes had told them about. They succeded in victories. When the Merucai got to the city. The townsfolk welcomed them cheerfully. Alliance was established. All the Merucai were so thankful to Bes, they made him the new king of the nation. Thirty years passed. Not much for the Merucai, quite alot for the Humans. Children grew up to be used to the Merucai. The lot of one hundred was now back at their home, teaching languages, and religions. Now most Merucai knew of the Humans, and their language.

The Humans went to war with others. The Merucai saved them many times in battle. They were now experianced and well honoarble warriors. Later they established alliance with the Dwarves. But they had a most hatred enemy, the Minotaur. They would war agains them in hate. Also the elves werent too freindly to them. A century passed. Now the Merucai were fully knowledged among the lands.

They were then one of the main races.

Way of Life
Merucai are an ancient race. They grow to be as old as 300 years old. Merucai are valiant warriors and are one of the most honorable races existant. They are best allies with Humans, secondary allies with the Dwarves. Merucai do not usually wear armor, because they think it would only slow them down. Their favored weapons include the longsword, the morningstar, and maybe a flail. Few Merucai grow up to become magi. Those who do are considered sacred, usually elementalists. Act of Necromancy are illegal amongst the Merucai, it is counted a disgrace to the race, for they consider themselves in full honor. Most Merucai follow the human gods, and some follow dwarven gods.

Offline Ivan-EoD-

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Battle For Windfar
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 09:37:57 AM »
Damn new layout took the picture off, here it is.