Not at all, I guess you missed that its not actually leet, you used a translator, and (according to your own criteria) you are a confirmed retard
Go ahead and scour the net for a translator that translates exactly how I typed all of it, if you can find one, which I highly doubt, then humorous coincidence. But I bet you won't.
So it's not real l33t, according to you, but, like I said, do I give a shit? No. Does it change the purpose of this thread? Uhh... no.
So, it's not that I missed the point, because I got it, and told you, I didn't give a shit. Why aren't you willing to accept that? Well, whatever the reason, it sounds like a personal problem and hopefully one day you'll figure it all out.
Btw, I added a line to my last post, feel free to give some shitty retort.