Cannixx official WTF?! list that need to be fixed in order for a good pvp server to be viable:
-PWC files download. WTF get them streamed on join
-Monk AC bug the return. WTF get it out
-Broken hotkeys. WTF get it fixed
-Toolset and item level value problems. WTF lets get it back upto at least nwn standards
-Ranger + monk APR bug v2 WTF get it outer here 10/11 apr in level 20 dueling with 55+ ac and 30+ sr is not cool.
-Lack of emotes etc. WTF no one wil want to play online if they cant spam laugh and run at the same time.
-Last but not least, WTF need more players. well cant really fix that but hopefully if things like the above get sorted then the online community will flourish, all though that looks unlikely. The stats speaks for themselves to email this to obsidian.....