There was FFVII for pc too.
My favaourite was FFVII of course, best story and best batle system, his only downpart were the graphics (which i dont care), the remake on ps3 will take care of that
FFVIII, had way better graphics but they forgot the history part ( FFVIII history really sucks compared to FFVII) and i hated to need the materials to get a better weapon and the command thingie where you have to choose from, but the cards game was fun.
FFIX, went back to FFVII superderformed like graphics but it was so childish looking, and i hated that abilities thingie (to need to have the item equipped till you learned the abilitie) and it had the worst story of the 3, and its card game really sucked
and i still want to play FFX and up, i have no ps2