of their lives.
[[lol, nice one talon, i love that commercial
only, i had to look teh word up to figure it out.
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of esteeming or describing something as worthless, or making something to be worthless by said means. Its pronunciation may vary from \'fl -chE-'nau-chE-ni-'hi-lE-'pi-lE-fI-'ca-shun\ to "FLOK-sih-noh-see-NEE-hee-lee-PEE-lih-fih-KAY-shun" or "FLA-sih-NAH-see-nə-hill-lə-pill-lə-fih-kay-shun" or "FLOK-se-N -se-NĪ-hil-e-PIL-e-fi-KĀ-shen." ]]