Of course, somehow i think if there was an All Girl GS tournament
Melissa would put in a really strong showing
She always seems to be so.. cool and ruthless
Suki Yo is the "fire in the hold" girl!
Smashes and wins no matter what!
Throbble is the lady of cool devastation
One word from her and the really big guns roar
Calia is the slayer from the white clouds
cos when she claims her victims she does so with infinite mercy and justice!
(also cos she is very young)
Morticia is Lady Death
Dark are her arrows and shadow is her magic
Serenity and Shadey i do not know so someone else will have to describe how well they might fight.
Finally, I would mention Taarna, War Goddess above all. She wields supreme power with irresistible perspicacity. Where other lesser deities need to exert themselves to claim victory, she does it with a flick of her divine finger.
How do you guys describe them?