Well I doubt it will return to what it used to be unless someone figures out how to get it listed in gamespy.
Have you tried one of the other ports? Not sure if it's a good idea, as other people may need these configured then as well, but it's worth a shot.
To host a server for NWN, I open up the following ports in my router, the first being most common and used:
5120 to 5300
6500 to 6500
6667 to 6667
27900 to 27900
28900 to 28900
Other than that, I have no idea. Didn't you say once in the past Lamespy having problems and doing odd shit with GS was caused from your router in some way? Though I thought you got a new one or fixed it or something, there could be some relation. Beyond that... Oo
Wanted to be on earlier, wished I could've but... I was SLEEPING MAN! Yep. From like, 5 pm to 11 pm. Go me.