The Chest Running Build for Hells Precipice is pretty simple...
Death's Charge
Charge [E]
Heal Signet
"I Will Survive"
Endure Pain
Ressurection Signet
If you guys want to start earlier there are usually groups chest running all the time in Hells Precipice International District 1...... so if yall ever want to hit it up then feel free to. We will get a group going eventually... cause if we can get around 4-6 person group going we could definately make some money.
The easiest way to make money is to sell your rares for 1k a piece to people searching for there UNID title. Make sure to check for weapons mods on bows,swords,axes,hammers and so on. Wands and staffs don't really sell for that much money any way so i usually don't identify them and sell them for 1k each. By selling your rares for 1k each then you automatically make back the money you spent for keys and then you try and find more uber shit...