Enelya, Dunkin and Nara(Mo's Paragon) in Dunkin and Mo's GH. Nara's dancing and Enelya's ambushing Dunkin in attempt to steal his uber item finding mojo.
Short Anecdote:
Dunkin has uber item find mojo, while I seem to have uber disaster mojo. While dunkin can run out on a chest run and find the chest every single time and not have very much difficulty getting to it, I can go out and find it maybe one or two times out of every five or six times I go out, and usually I end up having to dodge around annoying mobs. So, Dunkin is showing me an easy chest run that's not very expensive, and we have some trouble finding it several times, but with hardly any trouble getting there). When he runs out of keys, he leaves and I go out to use up my last three keys. Every single time I go out, I have to run around several annoyingly situated mobs, and even then, I found the chest three times out of about ten times searching, and even when I do find it, I usually had to Spell Breaker+Prot Spirit+Distortion just to get to it and get an item without dying. Go figure, I got ONE gold, and the rest are purple, while dunkin gets gold almost every time. >_>
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