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Messages - iceycool56

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Random Ranting / Warcraft III: DoTA
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:54:38 AM »
Well, I downloaded most of the maps from Warcraft 3 Maps but I didn't see any 10 player maps that could be abbreviated "DoTA".

DotA= Defense of the Ancients;  not sure if that will help u finding it

General Anime / Looking for Suggestions
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:50:07 AM »
So you havent been watching Trinity Blood, Hellsing OVA, and Deathnote?
Nope, haven't.  I'll have to get Hellsing OVA cuz I liked the 13 tv series when i saw it like 4 years ago.

General Anime / Looking for Suggestions
« on: February 14, 2007, 10:29:11 AM »
Tyrael you're wrong!  Naruto fillers start at 136, so stop watching at 135.  It's been a year and a half of fillers and it's finally coming to an end!  I've been in such a slump of anime cuz Naruto and Bleach were in fillers.  Bleach just came out of fillers 4 weeks ago I think.  Start watching episode 110 on that.  

An old anime you might enjoy is "Hikaru no Go."  

Amusing that some ppl just discovered BitComet and MiniNova, heh

Everyone get on YouTube and type in "Sentai Ranger Opening"
You'll find it cool.  Japanese came up with the idea first!

Random Ranting / Who remembers me?
« on: November 24, 2006, 08:26:43 PM »
Guess what guys?  I just bought Neverwinter Nights 2 since it was only sale for $25.99 at Best Buy.  I'm actually gonna hold off on installing it till I get some new hardware (like a DVD Rom drive to actually install the game).  I'm excited cuz there's an actual Drow race now instead of just creating an elf and setting him to dark skin.

I'll check back from time to time to see when GS2 comes up.

Random Ranting / Who remembers me?
« on: November 21, 2006, 11:54:51 PM »
*wave*  Hi all... does anyone remember me?  If not, how about the name Shadowfury?  Remember that one?  Aw man, for the longest time I thought the LM forums were down but I was looking in the wrong place.  I just noticed earlier I missed a reunion a few weeks ago.  If I'd know I would've come and visited.  I was surprised to see I was still in the top 50 (barely) to log into GS.

Well, for those of you who are wondering what happened, if you don't know already or forgot, I'm playing WoW now.  Booo, pay to play... yea i know how you guys feel about it but I'm having fun.  Noticed how you guys are getting together a GS2.  It might be the reason why I might quit WoW.  Think you guys can do it?  Heh.  Well hopefully I'll remember to come back and see if there are any responses to this thread.  Talk to ya guys later.

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: August 30, 2005, 01:49:25 AM »
So..... if he's opposed to socializing with us, why is he coming to GodSpire? What a jerk!

I'm guessin he wants to stir up trouble.  I second that "What a jerk!"

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 30, 2005, 01:47:38 AM »
Did you ever finish Thunderhead, Cletus?  If not, I'm hopin tomorrow night there'll be more than enough Hounds to go together.  So far, 2 attempts.  Each time the group lost while trying to defend the fort.  Maybe 9:00 p.m. EST.  If not, def 10:30 then.

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: August 29, 2005, 01:24:42 AM »
Accounts: SoulSickness, RoomForOneMore, JoobsHole, RoomForGames, DigitalVioLence, Rashidah
Names:  Nahl, Nahl ~Old Days~,  Billy Dawn, Nobius, Nahl ~Sneeky Beepy~, Nahl Kiasyd, Nahl ~ImpSneekyBeepy~, Dusty, Belor Rellyn, Jack Daniels, Hama Takashi

If a hider is taking pot shots at everyone in the main hall it is most likely this jerk.

Nahl.... isn't he from CM?  The name looks familiar from their forums....

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:13:52 PM »
Dragon's Lair is pretty easy with just henchmen acually. If you need help though I'm in...
On a side note. Anyone want to do Thunderhead Keep? I've tried this mission 6 times with a very nice group 6 TIMES, with just one stupid dumbass to screw it up for everybody.
Yea it was a piece of cake, I just wish I brought a Cap Signet...  :(
Wish I could do Thunderhead Keep but I'm not there yet.  Cletus, don't complain, ur experience with that mission is nothing like my Thirsty... yet, at least.

General Anime / Naruto
« on: August 23, 2005, 05:46:30 PM »
sat 9pm et/pt  beginning september 10  on toonami

ok theres the proof
Must've misunderstood what I meant Mav... I didn't doubt that Naruto is gonna be on Toonami, in fact, I heard it was gonna air on Toonami months ago.  I just doubted it'll be any good when it does air

General Anime / Naruto
« on: August 22, 2005, 10:46:09 PM »
ok i just found out today that naruto is being put on toonami so theres going to be alot cut out =( (maybe if it was on adultswim) but maybe it will be good got to give benifit of a dought.
highly doubt it... it never turns out good when anyone cuts scenes from an anime that is already popular even if it's to protect the eyes of little kiddies

Guild Wars General / The Almighty Frog of Tyria Speaks
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:02:45 PM »
He was in LA not sure if he's still there
LA as in Los Angeles or LA as in Lion's Arch?

Guild Storage, yay, more space to put useless stuff i'll never use in  :lol:

GodSpire General / GodSpire Dungeon Crusade
« on: August 19, 2005, 10:59:31 PM »
The dungeons are so cruel...  I hope you have some Search put on that character otherwise you'll never find that door.

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 18, 2005, 01:08:09 PM »
I'm changing this from the "I really need your help with this mission" to "I'm doin this so you're welcome to tag along" thread.

I just beat my doppelganger, took me only one try too  :D  so I'm at Dragon's Lair.  It's a mission with possibly 8 men/women  :o    The more the merrier!  11 p.m. EST tonight, Aug 18

p.s. I hate my friend, he killed his doppel in 30 sec... but that's because he got tips on not to equip healing skills and stuff... I did mine straight up newbie

Guild Wars General / Tips on Buying/Selling
« on: August 17, 2005, 11:38:45 AM »
I'm unsure when it comes to trading (buying or selling) items from other players.  Can you guys leave some tips as to how to determine what price you should sell an item you possess to another player or decide how much to offer in exchange for another person's item?

For example, I've got a Gold Ebon Flatbow, Max damage 15-28 earth, Damage +14% while in a stance
How much do you think I should sell that for?
p.s. if anyone in the guild wants it, i'll give it to ya for free

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 17, 2005, 09:44:12 AM »
Done with that cursed, wretched Thirsty after possibly 18 tries.  w00t!  Movin on ahead to the next mission which is Elona's.  Since Thunderhead is so infamous, I'll let ya guys know if I need any help with it.

GodSpire General / Godspire Needs Change.
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:20:15 PM »
You dont remember ABC Cabazon!?! The Orc tank in rainbow armor with a those horrible butterfly wings.
How can he remember??  I don't think Meclar was around when Cabazon used to play.

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:00:19 AM »
Bloody friggin' hell...
This mission is cursed or something...
So Brior, Cletus, Joe Fixit, Ribs, Cuchulan and I were all partied up.  Right before the third round begins, weird sh*t starts happenin.  Probably my connection... I couldn't enter into the next area, every time i tried, it only brought me back to the same spot.  Later on, my connection crapped out and apparently the rest of the party finished the mission.  :angry: Pretty much the same group minus Joe tries again and we all die...

On the hairs of my chinny chin chin, I will complete this mission.  But next time, I'm bringin Throbblefoot along... (I shouldn't have rejected her help in the first place but the party was too big) Same time, same place

Culann's Hounds / CALLING ALL HOUNDS
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:23:34 AM »
OMG!!!  I'M FRIGGIN SICK AND TIRED OF THE THIRSTY RIVERS MISSION!!  Some of you have heard me talk about my distasteful interest in it.  As of today... 8/15 at 10:30 a.m., I've failed that mission at least a good ten times.  I blame it all on my lousy luck with n00bish groups.

*takes a moment to breathe*
Ok... anyways, I'm gonna need your help on this one, guys and gals.  Perhaps my first team mission with the guild? :D

Note: Tryin to get this done and over with at 11 p.m. EST tonight so see y'all then

GodSpire General / Godspire Needs Change.
« on: August 05, 2005, 09:12:59 AM »
Since the topic about Ante's forum thread about GodSpire I've spent some time there not only to find out that it has the same things that GodSpire has but to find some other people to play against.  I've gotten bored very quickly there because the lack of competitive duelers. 
As Mo said GodSpire is a very particular, very well aged server that's for people smart enough to read the instructions that come up when you join the server.  And if people were seriously interested in learning how to play pvp NWN the way it was intended then GodSpire is the best place to do that.  I've had countless "students" and still get people who are willing to learn and come back for advice.  GodSpire is as comfortable and enjoyable as it was the first time I came on.

I remember when I first met Kristie Dian over at Newbs Welcome, just when I had regained interest in playing NWN after HotU was released.  One night I came on and sure enough there's a player with regen-unbeatable-a classic "regen whore" and so I say; "ha he's using regen ewww". Five seconds later I got banned.  Apparently he was a DM.  My point is that would never happen on GodSpire. I'm free to say things like that. I might get booted by some extreme case by Tolar yet image if for every time we complained about WoF or Horn we were banned....that's the difference and that's the same today as it was when I first started playing at GodSpire.
That same night I was banned from Newbs Welcome was my first night at GodSpire.

Now of course Newbs Welcome has a bunch of item property restrictions and regen is on the list....
Hah!  Newbs Welcome suxx0r, you're the third person I know who's left there and permanently become GodSpire, Delly and Brior were the other two

GodSpire General / Random night at Godspire
« on: August 01, 2005, 08:29:42 AM »
There is a Official randomer thread for the problems with the randomer, next time post in it.

(ps for a large screenshot copy ur printed page in paint and save it, then in ur topic add the file u saved in file attachments space)
I don't think he's posting about the randomers to get them in trouble... if he did he would've said who they were instead of keeping them anonymous
I won't give out any names cause I don't want anyone in trouble for this, it was just for fun anyway, there were only 3 people on! (me and the other 2)

General Anime / Need help to finish this anime
« on: July 31, 2005, 02:18:13 AM »
ok i just finished ep 103 of yu yu hakusho and i need help in find the rest of the ep 104-112 thx.
Pfftt, Yu Yu Hakusho... watch a real man's anime, Bleach

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: July 28, 2005, 10:10:37 AM »
I got on MSN last night and got BzK to delete what ever was there at the time.  Think he got it all...
What?  I got on GW and asked Throbble or Celest to delete them... so who did it??

Culann's Hounds / Pointer to the roster
« on: July 25, 2005, 10:05:30 AM »
:D Shadow!
-pokes- you're delusional; no you wouldn't
Yes?  Somebody rang?  :D
Currently Lvl 7 W/E in what you guys call pre-searing Ascalon

TSoGS / Sents and hacked characters
« on: July 24, 2005, 07:19:26 AM »
Slayerduck, he specialises in making hacked builds.. i even got him in my msn to question him out about those builds.
funny you mention his name, he's the guy dark jimbo asked to leave when he started this thread.  

GodSpire General / Godspire Player online hours
« on: July 16, 2005, 11:59:43 PM »
w00t, I finally made it in the Top 50!!!  barely....

GodSpire General / Problems after GodSpire's recent "facelift"
« on: July 12, 2005, 12:51:30 AM »
For the first time in a while I've got someone I'm trying to explain how to make items.  So what I normally do is put my gear up in the barter window and explain what properties do what.  As I'm doing this I realize that my items are disappearing without accepting a barter...Apparently the script for the nifty floor turning things into floating cards also makes things in barter vanish.
As much as I like things puffing away into floating cards I like even more being able to use the barter to show people how to make items.  Is there an inbetween?
Ohhh, that explains what happened to my gauntlets when I showed them to someone, they just disappeared....

GodSpire General / Im leavin
« on: June 30, 2005, 11:28:05 AM »
why does someone always have to make a public announcement that they're going away and won't be able to play on GodSpire anymore?  at least it saves you the trouble of a hundred ppl walkin up to you and askin "where've you been"

Random Ranting / My Picture
« on: June 26, 2005, 03:44:19 PM »
Gah... make yourself usefull and kill yourself, nublet.
nah... death is too easy, let's just ignore him... pretend he doesn't exist

GodSpire General / Total Playing Times
« on: June 26, 2005, 03:18:45 PM »
um whats with the picture
I guess Frank likes Michelin so he's promoting for them.  I just wish he didn't include the baby no matter how much he looks like the mascot... I don't need to see a baby's little wee-wee.

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