GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: July 01, 2005, 10:24:15 AM »
ok this guy just doesn't learn he comes on as...
Name Paulo Carinset
Accont Paulocacao
he randoms other players waile they were dueling.
told not to by Jimbo serval times.
Stoned him twice
came back when jimbo lefted as...
Name Jacob Cheren
Accont Paladenis
this happend at 7:23 Gmt -07:00
Name Paulo Carinset
Accont Paulocacao
he randoms other players waile they were dueling.
told not to by Jimbo serval times.
Stoned him twice
came back when jimbo lefted as...
Name Jacob Cheren
Accont Paladenis
this happend at 7:23 Gmt -07:00