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Messages - nabhro

Pages: [1]
Random Ranting / dead
« on: December 01, 2004, 03:02:11 PM »
lol this forum is dying...
:( 4 sure.maybe some dancing girls would help :rolleyes:

Random Ranting / Raging Shadows
« on: November 28, 2004, 08:26:41 AM »
News flash :ninja: RS members were sighted tearing up Albs in Breifiene :o . Was fun being out there with guildies hope we can do it more often :ninja:

Random Ranting / ml's
« on: November 28, 2004, 08:22:35 AM »
Finally got Ml1 done :ninja: But then i pushed my luck & went for 1.2 B) After chasing Thieves all thruough beautiful downtown Meso, :glare: We wiped continuein my TOA  legacey :o And that is y i keep RvRin :D  just posting 2  keep it active :P

I was with you and I was trying to lead the little ml, they aren't good unless you get like 30 people to do it and some one who has done ml1 like 50 times. :)
:ninja: true/true. Thought Tsan had done them before :huh: ,but we all gotta  break our cherry at somepoint :lol:

Random Ranting / ml's
« on: November 27, 2004, 08:02:22 AM »
Finally got Ml1 done :ninja: But then i pushed my luck & went for 1.2 B) After chasing Thieves all thruough beautiful downtown Meso, :glare: We wiped continuein my TOA  legacey :o And that is y i keep RvRin :D  just posting 2  keep it active :P

Random Ranting / Plat
« on: November 24, 2004, 07:26:54 PM »
you post you get 50 plat o0
i'll take mine in 10's plz :ninja:

Random Ranting / Here I am and Heya
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:26:43 PM »
:blink: heyas 1st post  :ninja: woot

Random Ranting / What is daoc like?
« on: November 23, 2004, 07:52:35 PM »
Well one you get about lvl 50 some times theres 600 people out in the main rvr area. The batle grounds are huge. if you dont ride a bout or have a personw ith spd in your group it would take about 3 hours to run to the batles. It isn't free is 10.95 a month and the first 30 days are free, but in all honesty it is worth it. The lower level batle grounds are smaller so even if there are only 20 people dukeing it out theres lots of action. When you die you are released back to ur rea;ms portal keep. nobody can loot ur corpse so no worries there. I will get u a main link that goes into more detail about the game. Like i said if u wanna try it you are welcome to play my account. i have level 50 (highest lvl you can get) and a few other lvl 40's and what not on my main server. i am guild master of the 2nd biggest guild in my realm so if u do wanna try it you will for surely get the help u need.
heya 1st post just saying HI

Pages: [1]