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Messages - |- Shion -|

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Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: May 10, 2005, 11:50:13 PM »
Im checking the doriath post every day but i not find the words cause is a kinda hard for me to quit doriath after all what we passed and now is time for me to quit but before i request my name on roster removal i would like to say a few words to u guys before cause not is worthy quiting a awesome clan without telling a few words:

-I have been a member of Doriath for nearly as long as I have walked upon this land and I found there friendship that made my last year happy and blessed one and I want you all to remember that in the heart of the Doriath Woods lies not in our elven power but in our friendship. Always place it above all else... and always remember those words while u guys are in Doriath :

With Strength and Friendship
Through War and Happiness
We Are Doriath !!!!!

I will repeat , u guys showed me a unknown felling for me which is : friendship and i found it the more important thing i ever saw in my life and those words will remeber u always the friendship power.

-Farewell, I will remember you all forever , my friends....
Now ... is time to me to go after i told all my last words....

Shion�´s eyes slowly close as his face's expression relax in peace.
His body slowly diseapears in the earth under the oak tree until there is nothing left on the ground except a single and peacefull aura of nature within a elven rose...

Fun and Games / Haha Bad Ass FLash movie!!
« on: May 08, 2005, 06:33:40 AM »

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ROFLMAO FUN FUN FUN HA!!  :lol:  i watched this over and over all time hahaha kewl.

Random Ranting / Check it!
« on: May 08, 2005, 04:19:52 AM »
I see your avatar on every forum I go to.

Hmm on foruns have a one guy with that avatar but is smaller :P i liked it but i wanted someting diferent so i got that penguim avatar than im using :D

Fun and Games / Well...
« on: May 04, 2005, 12:28:43 AM »

well that HP is wroted at portuguese language but u guys not need to know where to click to see the photos eh? So check this out , 70% of there are REAL images .
Before going there , not blame me for causing u guys nightmares :D

Have fun.

Random Ranting / Death Clock
« on: May 04, 2005, 12:22:39 AM »
Your Personal Day of Death is...  
 Saturday, July 12, 2081  

Your Personal Day of Death is...  
 Saturday, July 12, 2081  

Bah im gonna live up to 97 years only cause im a deaf non-smoker? bah cant believe in it , wanted to die at 35-45. I just cant support my lonelines for that long , is just to ask too much. I already not like my life , i cant even imagine this. And i believe than this clock only calculate the healthy guy . But forget than we can suffer any acident and die at any moment. Well i can wait for this.

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: May 04, 2005, 12:10:37 AM »
The ranks are the same as before, i only separeted them because the entire concil is not currently active.

Give me a good reason for having more ranks, and then name some off (try and pick from an elven vocab list)

If I readd the MIA rank, i would have to put Pang in it.
I still prefer the same number of amount of ranking , is just be good to add a inactive rank as me and maxou chated about that. A inactive rank could solve our problems of big amount of guys since we only will see who is active which is what matter . For example to a guy join the innactive rank he must be 2 weeks without playing so he go to inactive rank telling the reason or no.

Doriath Private / Tyrael has left DE...
« on: May 04, 2005, 12:05:18 AM »
?? You are gonna get NWN 2!

Well Anheg i not fell myself rdy enough cause im not getting adsl and as far i know nwn2 will need adsl 256 to up , so i not yet found a job to get money to pay a adsl for me. And im losing my hopes to find a new job since i went to numerous places to try to get a job good enough to pay at least a adsl . So after this i believe than im gonna quit , u cant say like im everything to doriath , im just a member like anyone. And with talentous ppls with great potential like ryu hayabusha , etc... doriath have everytthing to be the strongest clan.

that's an order boi :P
Oh well yes but is a kinda complicate , sorry about that. For a while im already working since i told to u on MSN 3 days ago for Doriath A TvT.
My days is already being counting to the NWN 2 day launch.

But i will tell one thing than was more important to me when since i joined doriath : u guys teached me about a felling than was totally unknown to me , the friendship felling , is really prazerous to get at least one friend. For that i thank you guys very much.

Thats All

Doriath Private / Tyrael has left DE...
« on: May 02, 2005, 11:46:22 PM »
Well when NWN 2 get launched im gonna quit doriath , cause i not fell myself good to buy NWN 2 so i not see any use of me only by coming to foruns just to say a few things so thats is the reason for me quiting when NWN 2 gets out : "i not will have anymore use to doriath". After NWN will be my end of life on doriath.

Doriath Private / Group: Doriath
« on: May 02, 2005, 11:41:33 PM »
In my portuguese language could be Puta l�¡ da praia. well really have a few things than is the same i already knew what Puton means but the rest i didnt even knew , i never learned spanish though if someone get that and put on translation can see the answer easily like a monkey

Doriath Private / Doriath Tournament
« on: May 01, 2005, 08:46:39 AM »
I not have time for such thing and i not have any interest about being the best or no , im just playing nwn to max all my skills on all available classes and right now im busy making builds for tvt on tourney. Have fun on that doriath tournament.

Full Metal Alchemist / Downloading FMA....
« on: April 21, 2005, 04:37:23 AM »
Hey guys i want to ask a little favor to ya ppls.
I want to know where i can download Full metal alchemist in .rm format which is Real PLayer cause im with 56k now . So i would be very gratefull if u guys post there a few links to download FMA in .rm format since the one i know not have support a resume download commad so how take 3 hours and half to download 38 mb with 56k im bored to keep downloading and getting droped cuz the server not suport resume , and the FMA subtitles can be in english or portuguese but a dubber one i cant since im deaf . Ok thx for all.

Doriath Private / Ryu gone for late April - late May
« on: April 18, 2005, 02:48:01 AM »
humm someday u could get me to china to learn some UBER KUNG FU MOVES !!! :D  So good luck on u uber trip , and i hope than u ate some china girl asses  ;) !!

GodSpire General / Godspire Team Tournament
« on: April 17, 2005, 07:02:42 PM »
ill play if anyone whants me :P

Ps: sorry i havent bin around latey but L2 sucked me back in :lol:
U talking about lineage 2 game?

Doriath Private / Dungeon Tacticts
« on: April 16, 2005, 09:26:02 PM »
I've been to the dungeon twice. You really dun need more than a party of 4. A good archer, mage, cleric, and somethin wit search will Git R Done.

The maze is a bitch tho.. We spent over an hour on it and still didn't get thru.

Shion the dungeon is just a bunch of levels of hard tasks you need to do. Like finding doors, and pulling levers in the right order. There's all kinds of hard monsters. I think at the very end you get some sweet gear.
Lol why i would need some gear if i can make this like everybody on toolset? Is a little pretty non-sense to play there on dungeon except if have any fun anyways.

Doriath Private / tourney again
« on: April 15, 2005, 12:33:34 AM »
Blood,we need shinzo  ;)
old skool 4 life

yeah that would be the shiznick

If ppl need to find out who's in it's all updated when ppl say they're in up in the fourth post :P
Oh well im glad than someone not forgot me and im happy than i have some use for doriath cause in 3 days before i spoke to delly about me quitiing doriath cause i not was feeling myself usefull to doriath anymore so i not got any reason to keep playing since i promised to hubba before i join doriath than i would only join to help and not to play for fun but u guys asking for me is enough to me not quit doriath after all  :D  But i not promise anything , cause im 56k now i need to have all information about that tourney if will be 3x3 or 4x4 or 5x5 and i need to analize all aspect and to check about this to confirm if i will be ready to play . Ok guys? :)

Doriath Private / Dungeon Tacticts
« on: April 15, 2005, 12:26:17 AM »
LMAO i not understad about that dungeon thing , could someone explain to me what is that ????  :blink:

Doriath Private / Home Portal
« on: April 13, 2005, 03:38:06 AM »
I apreciate it Anheg  :P . That was advanced english for me, even more when i use to think in spanish when writiting english.

Btw, i still like the "may the..." form, it reminds me Star Wars stuff  :D
U mean "May the Force be with u" ? LoL really....

Doriath Private / Official Recruit Topic
« on: April 13, 2005, 01:50:02 AM »
Anheg i saw a guy named Lord Eldron which one was the left hand of abby by what he told to me and he asked me to get recruited also i told to him than we not know if we will recruit anymore cause we have 24 members already , more than enough so i told to him than i will recommend him and not promised nothing. So that will be up to u HEs and lords to make a decision to recruit one more or to close the recruit part for now . Thats all

Doriath Private / I may be out for a few days.
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:48:53 PM »
HELL YES! 5th Place in the Gold (highest) bracket. That is the highest ranking my school has ever gotten, especialy since we had 7 of the top 10 teams in the state there (mostly in my braket)
Whoa looks like than u kicked some team ass !!! Awesome!! Grats anywas ;)

Doriath Private / Official Recruit Topic
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:46:17 PM »
Your beign WAY too judgemental.

For starters DcD was a guild not a clan. Secondly i did try to help the guild and defend it , for example the tournament. I, YES ME was there every single match dcd played. NO other dcd player, BAR NONE showed up as much as i did. I was the one trying to lead it into battle for the tourny. Lots didnt show you fail to mention them, yet you moan at me for leaving??

IF you Must know why i really left, it wasnt stupid stuff about inactivity, it was really to do with the fact Mort was trying to sell us out to DE. I didnt want to take part in that, so i left. To prove this, i rejoined when maxou became leader and wanted to make it a guild that wasnt gonna blow out to become DE. So now im a dedicated member of CoD (DcD), you cant find much to moan about.
Yes u right about im being way too judgmental , im just that way cause im worried about doriath and too cause i not trust anybody , after all i told to u was precautions to not bring problems to doriath but if u telling is the true and right , well its ok then. And remember this : telling that thing "dont think than u know anything about me" not is a good thing on doriath , here in doriath we are like a family and we need to know the problem than happened to ppls in old clans\guilds to make sure than the clan is secure. After all we are a family.

Right canixxx i think u re ok NOW!!!!! :D:D

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:40:24 PM »
Ya, recruitment is being slowede down. Unless you see someone really special, most likely the answer will be no. I was thinking about having more ranks, but I think it would be pointless. We tryed the whole 'ranks and responsibilites' thing, and it definately didnt work. I think the less the better.

High Council
Senior members
Newer members/inactive members

This sounds good enoiugh for me. If you want it changed post some ideas.
I not understad that Leader from High Council , u mean than in this rank leader will have more power than High Council ? or will have the same power ? cause if is the same power will be Leader\High Council and not separately , wichi means will be still 4 ranks . i would like to have around 5 -6 ranks separately. And yes is a pretty good idea to stop recruiting since 18 ppls is more than suficient but we have 24 now!!! :D

Doriath Private / Builds
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:35:34 PM »
I don't agree with you here shion . That build can work , especially on aa ( high dex ) . Making it 127 hide easily because of high dex will pwn 127 spot . I tried 127 spot vs 127 hide and I couldn't spot the char all the time ( 1 time for 3 try ) . I was elf too btw . Though the low AC wouldn't be that good on team vs team since 3v1 .
U tested that against 160 spot ranger? i not believe than hiding will work ......

Doriath Private / Builds
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:32:14 PM »
not to mention the massive skill points needed.Must have atleast 14 int  :(
True , 14 for human and 16 for the rest of classes.

Doriath Private / Builds
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:31:11 PM »
Yeah , and a thought : that build can get over 85 AC in team vs team ( because of cleric spells ) .

About str builds :
1)  Bard / ( at least 10 ) rdd / 1 sorc .
High AC thing , taunt + curse song , ab in the 60 - 70 , spot .
2) 28 Cleric / 2 bard / 10 rdd
High AC thing too ( over 90 if built properly ) , taunt , cleric spells , ab over 60 I guess , spot if high int .

About mage build :
Well known but that is a good build anyway
28 sorc 2 sd 10 rdd ( level can have variation ) . A dexer char , hitting with melee , high AC ( 90 ) , ab = 60 , sorc spells . Efficient char ( very efficient ) if built AND played properly .

About some hider ( a really good whore that one :) ):
16 bard 2 sd 22 PM
Ac over 100 , high hide 120 or more  , ab in the 60 .
This build litterraly pwn melees but the weak point is casters .

Hmm I'd like to create a monk , what kind of build would be fun guys ? Shion any thought ? ( since you're one of the best monk specialist I know ) .
Well relying on 20s i not see fun , just for 5 minutes is fun but after that is boring , well if u want a fun build u could make a monk bard and sd , the ac could get around 100 if im not mistaked and around 54-60 ab. But remeber this build is like bard aa monk than run low of resources cause need pretty balanced stats like dex wisdon cha cons mixed at starting stats which means than u need to know how to balance well to make him perfect at stats. And have a monk pm with 4 wizard lv with rizard spells and 119 conc with 125 listen but remeber when u listen the enemy u can see but will stop atacking which means than u need to keep clicking on oponent when he hide. Listen is diferent from spot , u know what i mean. Or use the hubba monk than have maxed dex , no good listen only hellball + ts then after that is only relying on 20s which is weak since is pretty high ac with pretty low HP, but seriousily that build not have wizard spells like remove blindess to make him good x wof as the before monk i told to u have. After i making hubba build for test , i found numerous disvantagens but is fun anywas if is what u are asking.

have fun :D

Doriath Private / Elven Ranks?
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:55:33 AM »
I agree with that anheg , our clan could be far away more cooler than he is right now with elven ranks . U have my vote !! ;)

Doriath Private / Official Recruit Topic
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:50:57 AM »
to tell the truth what u already told canixxx not is what morticia told and telling is really easy . But in the time we will see if u really telling the truth cause leaving a clan cause of inactive not is a nice atitude , for example , tyrael of DE , even with his clan inactive he still play for his clan cause he have hope for DE. and what we need not is just good players but ppls than can fight for doriath , that is what we need and that not is what i see in u canixxx after all , u didnt have any hopes for dcd and i not liked this , which shows than u not trusted in u our guild. Our highest proirity as member of doriath is to defend doriath with all costs not matter what happen so this include "inactive clan" .Well well .... and yes about anheg that is true being irritanting inactive but if the guy is a true member for the guild or clan he would try someting but u canixxx not did anything to try to get back the guild in some way..... u just quit...

Doriath Private / Builds
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:36:14 AM »
Personally I like my hider AA for team battles (inspired by Ryu and is the same build) but anyways:
16 Bard/23 Arcane Archer/1 Shadow Dancer

Has low AC and loses most duels but very effective in team duels if used correctly.
(Note this was inspired by Ryu who told me this build.)
Only could be effective against noob clans since the strongest clans know than need to have at least 1 or 2 anti-hiders , one tip before going to TvT : think urself what the enemy could think about builds and try to see though the possibilities of various buiilds available , and if u see though the possibilities , anti hider having at least one of them is already a dead to SD. U cant go fight a battle before thinking about the possibilities and consequenties or u are 100% dead!!

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:31:21 AM »
Welcome back Shion!  ;)

welcome back shion, sad to hear you lost your job :(

haven't seen you on msn lately, would be good talking again :)
Hell yeah ron im back and rdy to murder some ass as always :D !!

And blood yea yea im going to install msn again , that is cuz im too lazy after i lose my job to install MSN especially with a uber 56k even if msn is only 7 mbs . Im just too lazy blood yea yea !!! :D Hmm Hmm anheg one question : Do lords have some task now , or still is only recruit recruit all time?  :blink:  and too anheg im going to make a one "task" as a lord expressing my opinion : i think than we have too much members for only 4 ranks. I think than maybe 6 ranks would be better to balance dont u think? Think about this and reply back cause im just too curious about u opinion  :blink:  
Anyways GOOD TO SEE U BLOOD AND RON again!!! Like old times :D

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:34:48 AM »
It's good to hear from you, I hope to see you later. :)
Sure anheg but i think than this will be a hard task to be accomplished wich is to meet u . Cause im playing NWN since Monday to Friday and im not meeting u , im always meeting delly , brior and ryu. Is always them who im always meeting during the week and sorry i cant come on saturday or sunday cause of the monster lag of my uber 56k. So cya anytime!!!

Doriath Private / Two Doriath people battle.
« on: April 07, 2005, 11:27:27 PM »
whoa cool , Delly as ryu armor and Ryu as viper armor? cause of the white color . Hmm hmm hmm prettyy kewl really  :D

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