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Messages - Evanescence

Pages: [1]
NwN General / Legit PVP dead????
« on: August 10, 2004, 02:41:28 PM »
har har har : / To keep a long story short, no, I am not Jay. But continue on with the fairy tale, its ammusing. :D

"GS, an arena server, not even posted in the arena channel, has consistently been the busiest localvault server on the network since the very launch of NWN. GS gets, and has always gotten, an average of 100 NEW players every day. We also have a conversion rate of over 75%, meaning these people actually come back at some point."

Talon, this section of your post had me rolling, seriously, using inaccurate statistics while proclaiming your server king...tsk tsk. If it was only your own biased opinion that would be fine, but the stats make me laugh.

It wasnt my intention to start this bs argument on here, this forum is over-run by GS players, and an argument of this type would serve little or no purpose whatsoever. I was only backing up a bro's rep, so quit taking it so personaly people.

NwN General / Legit PVP dead????
« on: August 10, 2004, 03:28:17 AM »
Evanescence/Death Angel, former DHL (Dragon High Lord) and Necriss Member. Im not sure if any of these old guilds are still kicking, im assuming they've died out long ago. : / I was a regular in Jay's, dmed it for sometime and played there with people like Wind, Mephisto, Zeruel, Abyss, Colossus, Mal Ganis, Blu Rabbu, Bhaal ect... Heh, I remember you as well Sher, although you did'nt begin playing there untill sometime later, about the time I decided to quit.

btw, is Jay's PvP honestly returning? I was almost under the impression he fell off the face of the earth or was hit by a bus or something. :blink:  

NwN General / Legit PVP dead????
« on: August 10, 2004, 12:21:15 AM »
Hmm, just browsing around different nwn forums today and I came accross this thread, im usualy just another observer but someones ignorant and narrow minded comment slightly annoyed me. <_<

I began playing in Jay's old server since 1.27 and continued playing through sou until he finaly shut it down. It was and always will be the best local vault legit pvp server IMO. Fight Club, GS, Battlefield, Exethios, Russ Gulls Serpent PvP, lotd, and the DHL Den were all godly pvp servers, but Jay's absofreakinglutely owned. It wasnt the best server in the arena channel for a year and a half because it "blew ass". You know what made Jay's rock over everything else? No, it wasnt the scripting (although great), or the fact it was full every minute of everyday it rocked because it was, above all, FUN. The Main reason (not the only reason) for that was because of all the awsome personalities and elite players who populated the server.

If Jay is infact building a new mod, (lmao I highly doubt that, last time I talked to him he was in the proccess of tossing nwn in the trash) this post is not to say it will be as popular or as polished as his old one, hell, it might suck bad. However, going by his track record, I have high expectations.

If anyone on here remembers me from the old days (which isnt likely because I never played in GS back then)...I'll be back playing nwn soon B)    

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