Author Topic: The ^<v Game!  (Read 46800 times)

Offline Throbblefoot

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2004, 07:45:05 PM »
^ Thinks Talon is funny.
< Thinks Talon is funny.
V Thinks Talon is funny.
"No, I won't stay in the ground cuz there's no whiskey."
Zombie - Culann's Hounds

Offline Ivan-EoD-

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2004, 07:52:37 PM »
^ Is so right
<Thinks talon is a f*g
V Thinks the same as me.

Offline BzK

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2004, 08:19:52 AM »
^ probably should shush now.
< thinks Ivan should shush
v probably thinks the same thing

Offline Ivan-EoD-

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2004, 08:57:50 AM »
^ Is on talon's side for no absolute reason oO
< Is laughing cause of ^
V Some1 on the 3rd page of this thread Oo

Offline BzK

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2004, 09:19:32 AM »
^ is silly because Talon was admin here...
< thinks Ivan should shush
v should think the same way

Offline Ivan-EoD-

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2004, 09:33:58 AM »
*Sigh* you guys just cant have fun can you? Probly some 80 year old dudes sitting on their comp...

Offline -=Zen=-

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2004, 02:53:21 PM »
^ Needs to give me my sponge bath now
< Wheres my f***ing applesauce?!
v Needs to help me go to the bathroom soon

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2004, 06:28:59 PM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)

oh - and ivan - insult me again - you toothy spotty sad wanker excuse of a teenager. It people like you what makes others say "I blame the parents". Loser...

Offline -=Zen=-

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2004, 08:52:14 PM »
^ will he help me go to the bathroom?
< Wheres my spongebath dammit!!
v Muhh!

Offline Celestial1

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2004, 11:27:16 PM »
^ potty time for old man! run away!!
< knows ivan is a little crazy with the insult blowing
v thinks the same as me unless its ivan
Yes I know... I have no idea why these random animals are carrying 148 gold and a magic fire ring. It will be forever a mystery![/span]

[span style=\'color:green\']It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

-Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain.

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2004, 06:48:36 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2004, 06:57:39 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2004, 07:01:26 AM »
Look at my post count - shiny! :D
Stupid game...

^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2004, 07:02:05 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #44 on: July 13, 2004, 07:02:56 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #45 on: July 13, 2004, 07:03:42 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #46 on: July 13, 2004, 07:04:14 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2004, 07:06:53 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2004, 07:33:49 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline BzK

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2004, 08:00:53 AM »
^ has made his point
< thinks Talon can stop now =P
v should stop this nonsense!

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #50 on: July 13, 2004, 09:06:02 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< hasnt made his point because the thread is still not deleted!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #51 on: July 13, 2004, 09:39:19 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)  
« Last Edit: July 13, 2004, 09:43:53 AM by Talon »

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #52 on: July 13, 2004, 09:40:12 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

 hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about
 the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i
 have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the
 usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
[!--QuoteBegin-Talon+Jul 13 2004, 01:39 PM--][/div][table border=\'0\' align=\'center\'
« Last Edit: July 13, 2004, 09:44:36 AM by Talon »

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #53 on: July 13, 2004, 09:42:24 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

 hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about
 the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i
 have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the
 usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
<!--QuoteBegin-Talon+Jul 13 2004, 01:39 PM--></div><table bord
« Last Edit: July 13, 2004, 09:45:03 AM by Talon »

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #54 on: July 13, 2004, 09:43:22 AM »
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

 hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about
 the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i
 have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the
 usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
^ the person before me!!
< me!!!
v the person after me!!!

(I hope i have made my point about the usefulness of this game)
<!--QuoteBegin-Talon+Jul 13 2004, 01:39 PM--></div><table bord
« Last Edit: July 13, 2004, 09:45:24 AM by Talon »

Offline BzK

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #55 on: July 13, 2004, 10:04:57 AM »

Offline AngelsWings

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #56 on: July 13, 2004, 11:46:16 AM »
Talon, are you becaming crezy?     :o
what is this Spam?    lol

 :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:  
Angel - Amra [/span]
[span style=\'color:orange\']�?�§�?�§TSoGS�?�§�?�§

-Melisa: "mm"

Offline Talon

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #57 on: July 13, 2004, 12:34:29 PM »
Talon, are you becaming crezy?     :o
what is this Spam?    lol

 :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:
Finally - someone hits the nail on the head!!!
Why doesnt someone just lock and delete all of these threads from ever happening.
This is the equivalent of people opening a thread just to "test" if they can post - i.e. pointless.

Offline AngelsWings

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #58 on: July 13, 2004, 02:16:17 PM »
Whats your problem Talon?    :blink:
I read posts and i only wrote 1
I only wanted to say what i was thinking...... :(  
Angel - Amra [/span]
[span style=\'color:orange\']�?�§�?�§TSoGS�?�§�?�§

-Melisa: "mm"

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The ^<v Game!
« Reply #59 on: July 13, 2004, 02:49:41 PM »
He's just trying to get this post locked/deleted =P