Neverwinter Nights > Doriath


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Well we got an irc channel and if you still don't got the program go to this place and follow the instructions there. Once your in the channel I or bloodangel will help you with getting authed.

Doriath irc channel
Here stands help on gettin mirc and how to get to channel.

Blood Angel:
well I might not remember the first thing you said.... refresh my memory ??

Im lost on that thing. Im having a ..problem..going on right now so i probibly will not be on, i will still check the forum at least once a day though

Blood Angel:
well when you run the prog you get the options window up.

in there you'll write name and mail, then nick

after that there's the connect button, next to it a icon. Press the icon and choose server:

and irc server: QuakeNet: Random UK server

then press connect and you'll get in.

after that you need to get into the doriath channel, there's a load of them so you need to type in #gs_doriath for joining that channel.

you enter which channel to go to by entering the favorites window (usually comes up when you connect)

from there you'll have us to help you

Blood Angel:
Just so everyone knows, I want everyone to use tis program... it's simple and easy to use with the standard things done (help from pang)

Only peps I've seen on that channel is Pang, miro and tea-cup... ofcourse the lean mean L is always there :P


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