Neverwinter Nights > Doriath

And the new High Elf is...

(1/5) > >>

:D yesterday, Kristie, Jek and me (ahnheg wasnt there, :() decided that Blood Angel is the best guy to become a High Elf. Congrats Blood.. With this new addition new tasks will come soon!

Blood Angel:
I shall take upon me the challenge. It's an honor B)

Good luck with the job, blood. It will be nice to have another active High member.

Sry for posting this on or contraz topic blood, but has anyone else noticed Elessars massive ass kissing lately? Its really making me mad, he repetes himself continuously about the same thing about the rules and offencive words, which i am seeing as some major DM boot licking.

Blood Angel:
well duh, he's such a nice little boy, every mother's dream (not pointing fingers, but throbble)


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