Neverwinter Nights > Clan General


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420 and Anheg made a good suggestion: a non-partisan (if you will) discussion area for clans and non-affiliated players to chat about clan issues. Here it is - have at!

Clan it up OLD SKOOL!


That's a rip  :lol: :DDD

How so? You cant access the Doriath forum directly, so if u had a question where would u post it? On GS general? Something to a specific group can be put here..a neutral discussion board.

Blood Angel:
hey kewl, clan issues ??

the war, when can we have that? *looks at the marauders*


--- Quote ---hey kewl, clan issues ??

the war, when can we have that? *looks at the marauders*
--- End quote ---

Newspaper could be fun too in GS :P. Extra extra, new war comming up extra extra :D


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