Neverwinter Nights > Doriath

Im back

(1/7) > >>

Hey guys, im back, my pc got FORMATTED AND I LOST ALL MY CHARS!!!!!!!!! anyway, i will remake them again...*sigh* :blush:

Blood Angel:
OOOH lol, that's why :)
welcome back from your 1 week without your comp? :P

-RAWR (dum di dum)

Yeh, it was like hell...

good thing i get a xbox next month with Fable and Ninja Gaiden so i will be happy :D

Blood Angel:
fable cool, should be a fun rpg, and nija gaiden.... had that for some old console AND IT ROXXED!!! :P

Ninja Gaiden was the most kick ass game for the original Nentendo :D


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