Neverwinter Nights > TSoGS

I got something of a overworking time

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Well I just came on today and were the only sent on. But I hardly came to playing cause it was filled with randommers and do I know what else they did wrong. But I can't handle 6 dazers at once.

So could there be some extra sent at the time 16:00 (dutch time)?
Cause I have had this for quite sometime now.

That seems to be a common thing now. There are always like 2 DMs and 3 sents on at the same time or no one at all. I see a lot of the 'no one at all' times, and i think other people are noticing it also (especial the people that like to random)

i can go on at that time >.< i think

Elessar Telrunya:
lol shade go ahead only if you want to get on at about 700 your time and stay on for about 2 or 3 hours.(AM)

i know the exact time pang is talking about cuz over the summer. i usually would help him explain to randomers why they were stoned(this was before the daze and cutscene stone) its about 8ish to 9is or 9:30ish EST, so its about 1ish to 3ish or 3:30ish PM GMT (that was w/12 hour clock. 24 hour clock: 13ish to 15ish or 15:30ishGMT)

-Lord Elessar

There are really some big gaps... Only can be filled by fixed timing or a lot, really a lot of sents ... I'm not sure if this would be good.

Anyway, last week I saw more dm's on than sents. Today it's way better :)
I love to see sent doing their job good.


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