Neverwinter Nights > ThrobbleServ

Ooh! Naughty!

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Erm, Why is Throbbleserv in the "Social" section?

Isnt that where all those "Naughty" servers are?


--- Quote ---Erm, Why is Throbbleserv in the "Social" section?

Isnt that where all those "Naughty" servers are?
--- End quote ---

I wouldn't know, I don't ever go into the Social mods. We chose social because we cater to both Role Players and Out of Character players.


Put it in the arena just as well then, Dont want someone coming in with a kinky mind of the word Throbble.

I think it was a good idea to place it in the Social section.  Although it has it's own PvP arena, and some adventures, to me, it seems more like a social thing cuz I go there to have conversations with 420 and Throbblefoot from time to time.

And Zen... how would you know that's where the "naughty" servers are unless you actually go into them... For shame...


--- Quote ---I think it was a good idea to place it in the Social section.  Although it has it's own PvP arena, and some adventures, to me, it seems more like a social thing cuz I go there to have conversations with 420 and Throbblefoot from time to time.
--- End quote ---

Yeah me too, I go there to hang out with them mostly, heh

And I must say, they're pretty cool people to be around ;)


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