Neverwinter Nights > Doriath
Official Announcment!
Dont be rude, cool Hubbs. He was probly the high elf active at the time also.
+ now it doesnt matter cause King is same as High ELf. + we are more active than u and get in less trouble. King doesnt matter now that we have 5 leaders instead of 1, so we wont DIE LIKE LAST TIME. U went inactive and left adisku as king, we died. I tryed to rebuild, we died (cause EVERYONE thought Doriath was a newb clan and a lost cause). So i think Hubba deserves a chance at the 'title'.
may you bring honor to our name
*god...been playin CoD too much :P
Thank you all! I wont let Doriath lose to anyone!
(O and Jek, work at that attitude of yours)
Congrats Hubba!!
Ill bow twice when i see you :P
No, just treat me as i was when i was a High Elf. :P
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