after a very laggy fight as was noted earlyer these my self and
met with Adisku and Jek to talk about the terms of war and we have come up with the following offical terms
Fair Teams 5v5 or 6v6 testing will be done ( this is to improve the figth and the lag matters
Hostiling your enemys ( many spells dont work unless your hostilied this is to hostile your enemys before the battle not during
resing a allie is allowed
hiders may hide once a round ( every 6 seconds)
balagarns horn is allowed
spells such as storm of vengance acid fog and other aoe spells that stay will be tested and noted on later
No Respawning
No healing
No hellballing
also rather thin have the winning team immedatly decide when to have teh war we decided they may have one exact week to decide but the date and time must be anounced at least 4 days in advance so all players my know its date
i as that Adisku and Jek also post that these were the terms agreed on so that no one thinks im just makeing them up
Calia Kanrei -= Marauders Council=-