Neverwinter Nights > Doriath

Doriath has won

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--- Quote --- Piss off B, we decided that the battle would continue despite the numbers. I do not think it is right, BUT it was made to be a rule. So deal with it. IM sure if it was unfair the other way around u wouldnt have a problem with it ( or make insultingly sarcastic comments like that).
--- End quote ---
Honestly, yes I would.  Fair fights are more fun.  And Hydros was insulting first... so...

Elessar Telrunya:
*gives bzk a nice cookie*  dont listen to them- they're just being not them for reasons unknown to me :(

-Lord Elessar

I guess it is insulting, but it looks more like gloating to me

Bzk with WoF brothers u mean me and my brother:-D

cool name^^hehe

Blood Angel:
ok, last time I'll mention the number of players, but this time it's correct too.

17 were actually on the Doriath team (info from list on other thread, cuz I don't know myself)

9 marauders

now 3 on the Doriath team were not ported so that's 14
1 from the marauder team wasn't ported so that's 8



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