Author Topic: Web Comics  (Read 10049 times)

Offline cuchulann

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Web Comics
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:21:22 AM »
I have been thinking about some of my favorite web comics and intend to share them with all of you as well as my thoughts on them.

Stand Still, Stay Silent -
To start I shall give you a link to one that I am very impressed by. The story is called Stand Still, Stay Silent. Its a post apocalyptic tales where the center of known civilization is Scandinavia. The main characters at the moment at like the Scooby Doo team who are waaaaaaaay out of their element. The story gets rolling slowly with a long intro but once you are past that the scary stuff begins. The art is beautiful and creepy at the same time.
The art work is incredible. Lots of detailed sketch-like drawings mixed with watercolor landscapes. Very scary monsters.

Order of the Stick -
Story: A classic mix of D&D heroes on a quest to vanquish evil where the fate of the world balances preciously on the roll of a die, literally. Very funny lots of geeky humor.
Art: Very simple and fun. Look at my own avatar for an example.

Erfworld -
Story: A Game Master from the real world gets summoned into a world where the table top battle game mechanics are the reality. He is to be the perfect warlord to lead the armies of Gobwin Knob to conquer the world. A nice balance in the story all around. Humor, drama, and intrigue mix nicely.
Art: Like the story it is neither too simple nor ornate. Also after the first book the author began a mixed format of comic pages and prose short chapters. It works well.

Darths and Droids -
Story: Star Wars as if it was played out as a table top game. Lots of humor as the players try and work or weasel their way through the improbable situations the game master presents them with. Started with Phantom Menace and now is about to start Return of the Jedi.
Art: Screen capture. Takes actual still images from the films and arranges them in comic book format to fit the story.

Planet of Hats -
Story: From one of the team of Darths and Droids comes a Star Trek recap comic. Each page gives a summary of one Original series Star Trek episode in comic book layout. It celebrates what made the show good and pokes fun at the now outdated concepts.
Art: Very simple but works well for the intention. This comic was created as a side project of the creator partially with the intention of teaching himself to draw.

Partially Clips -
Story: Clip art and jokes. Its presented in a three panel comic strip fashion. Neat humor for most of the time. It gets pretty weird often but refreshing. Much like the strip Red Meat for those who remember it.
Art: Each strip uses a piece of clip art from a large collection. Same image in all three panels.

Spinnerette -
Story: A college girl turns into a superhero with spider powers kinda like Spiderman but not. Plenty of humor playing directly on the improbable lives of superheroes in real life. Episodic stories that do not necessarily need to come together in a particular order.
Art: Variable. Sometimes it has a very manga style to it and others its more western. At current it is in a story that involves silver age comic styling.

Girl Genius -
Story: Action, adventure, Romance, Mad Science! If Europe was ruled and fought over by mad scientists and their mechanical creations this is what you would have. Follow the exploits of young Agatha Hetrodyne as she uncovers her heritage and see if she will use her genius for good or for awesome! A good mix of madcap and witty humor will drag you along with it whether you like it or not.
Art: Very well detailed and vividly colored. It's good to take an extra look at it after reading to see everything.

Post your links to comics you recommend here.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 03:37:50 AM by cuchulann »
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