Author Topic: Wolfenstein: The New Order  (Read 6693 times)

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Wolfenstein: The New Order
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:23:07 PM »
I played this game (almost) all the way through. Overall I liked thought it was really good. Very nice graphics (I have a screenshot as one of my backgrounds), cool storyline (I'll have to play through again to see what happens when I make the other decision at the beginning), and fun weapons (dual-wield assault rifles anyone?). There was also a very interesting mechanic involving a weapon called the "LaserKraftWerk", which lets you cut through chain link fences, chains, and thin metal plates.

However, the reason I say I almost finished it is because the final battle fucking sucks! It's WAY too fucking hard, especially when compared to the rest of the game. I don't mind a difficult final boss but I looked up some tips and all the forums I looked at were just lists of complaints about how the final battle ruined the game for people.

Anyway, I may try again someday, but I'll probably just play through a second time and see how the other storyline turns out. Right now I'm so pissed off at the game that I'm just going to play other shit for awhile.
