Neverwinter Nights > NwN General
--- Quote from: Tyrael on April 27, 2012, 06:15:29 AM ---Yesterday found my nwn disks on the top of a shelf in the living room :o
Seems I used the hotu box (with all nwn cds inside) to lift up my router when i put it up there for better wifi range, then i just bought a better router and totally forgot about it :o
Found them yesterday while doing some other stuff lol
So anyone still plays sometimes?
--- End quote ---
ThrobbleServ still hosts Smith Hold in the Social channel. (7am-midnight PST) and we are still working on the 9th and final Purple Dragon Knight quest (in between playing Brink, Deus Ex:Human Revolution, Saints Row:The Third, and the Diablo III beta). I'm also designing an arena for Smith Hold that will use GodSpire-style item filters.
If I see you on I'll make sure to log in and say "hi".
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