Neverwinter Nights > NwN General
--- Quote from: Mercy on April 11, 2011, 05:23:29 PM ---Whoever has nwn1 needs to install it or log in. We will have a reunion on Throbbleserve! I always say that I will attend but I are serious!
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--- Quote from: Mo on April 11, 2011, 06:14:19 PM ---lolz
NWN is not fun without Noobs. :P
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When? This weekend? Keep in mind that Cuchulann can't join until he gets his internet reestablished (he's moved into a new non-fire-destroyed residence recently).
I'm around but busy working on the final Purple Dragon Knight quest (#9) so I'm usually working offline, but if I see anyone on the server I'll be sure to log on.
P.S. Oh, and we had a couple newbs on recently who were just starting out the quest line.
Soul Sojourner:
No! I'm afraid Vomeron will log on and kill us all.
--- Quote from: 420 on April 11, 2011, 07:20:48 PM ---P.S. Oh, and we had a couple newbs on recently who were just starting out the quest line.
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And another nub that was killing the animals.....dunno who that was
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote from: Ivon on April 12, 2011, 12:20:08 PM ---
And another nub that was killing the animals.....dunno who that was
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Gee, I wonder.
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