" mis understand Bus, of course the people that are DMs can be in a clan but can not choose sides (or unlock Doriath Gates and spawn rats). That is sorta like if a DM went into the house of Bears and spawned firebeatles non stopcause they didnt like u."
It was a joke. This war with Doriath has gone on forever with no side ever doing anything. So Calia and I did something. If it upset you that we did it in DM mode, I am sorry. For upsetting you, not for doing it. And as I said before, the House of Bears has been a regular vandalism spot for a long long time so that is a poor argument to make. People have killed my bear, broke my bar, invited Balors in, etc etc but I dont complain or seek who did it or anything. I laugh it off (now). Now then, I ask Doriath's leader and only its leader or leaders to meet with the Marauder council to discuss the terms for our war and when it shall be. We can get an impartial DM to referee. Hopefully. Please 420, or Throbble, or Xen, or Mel, or Raven, or Taffy. I think that is all I got.
Oh yea, one more thing. Marauders is gonna destroy Doriath.