So, I was able to talk to a High Elf (Lady Heaven) and 2 Marauders Council Members (Bus, Taarna), and we're going to try to get a battle going tomorrow.
Due to the short notice, we've got a special rule:
1. In order for the battle to proceed, we must have
quorum (definition 2). In our case, that's between 4 and 6 players for each side. If we don't get that, we don't proceed.
The proposed time was either 11 PM GMT or 12 AM GMT, but I recommend 12 AM GMT, as more people who I spoke to seemed to be able to make that time. Here's the Time Zone Breakdown:
5 PM PST (San Francisco)
8 PM EST (New York)
12 AM GMT (Greenwich)
12 Noon (Auckalnd)
Please let me know what you think! 19 hours and counting...