Neverwinter Nights > Archepelago PvP
testing times
Soul Sojourner:
I'll see if I can get on at that time, I might be at work while you do it though.
Elessar Telrunya:
Okay, the server is up.
Archipelagos under Action
mod: Archipelagos - Dev Mod
the IP as I read it: 5121
pass: foxtrot
If you do not see it under action, try using the buddy list panel to see if I am online. My login is ElessarTelrùnya. If that still does not work, post here. I'll check every now and then until I know people can log in, and if I see something, we'll meet up in Smith Hold and try to work it out.
edit: fixed internal ip.....still checking up on status of my port forwarding for my router
Elessar Telrunya:
sorry to double post. I fixed my port forwarding and can now see Archipelagos in gamespy.
Direct Connect:
Password: foxtrot
Got in but was rejected. :/ need 2.2 downloading it now.
Elessar Telrunya:
rats! I got so excited when I saw you got in too! Oh well, at least I know you could connect to the server....gods, my 'o' key keeps failing on me....
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