Neverwinter Nights > Archepelago PvP
testing times
--- Quote from: cuchulann on February 22, 2009, 10:00:14 PM ---Well after getting the tlk file I was still missing a few files, which it did not let me know the first time. Then after trying to dig them up from two locations and using the updater, (which failed to work) I was still missing files. I always have this problem with CEP mods, I just never can get all the pieces unless someone basically hand delivers it to me. I guess it just wasn't meant to be for me today.
--- End quote ---
If one of the missing files is cep2_add_sb_v1.hak, then you probably have the file but also have a cep2_add_sb_v1.erf in your /hak folder that should be removed (or moved to the .erf folder).
For some reason, if you have a .erf file that has the same name as a .hak file in the /hak folder the game can't see the .hak file.
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