Other > General Roleplaying

4th Edition

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Elessar Telrunya:
That is a very bad sign then!  Fortunately, that happens with a lot of things...sometimes I leave letters out or rearrange them and and make a completely different word...took me a while to realize it was 'Prefect' not 'Perfect'....

Soul Sojourner:
Reminds me of Harry Potter. Is that where you most commonly made that mistake, or was it somewhere else entirely?

Elessar Telrunya:
Yeah, it was the only thing to come to mind right away...

I was thinking it was Hitchhiker's Guide.

Elessar Telrunya:
Oh! I thought of another one. *random*  I used to think "autopsy" was "auto-spy" for ages.  Had no idea what an auto-spy was though... :p


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