I cooked me up some onion rings and some tater totter chunkies an' shit. Some good shit, it most certaintly is.
Alright, you know what? Fuck you, be an ass then, I don't care!
Fuck you too, dick!
Rubby rubby! Oh... it's it's IT'S! OMG it's it's! Nah, it is seriously it's! Oohhhhhh!
Fuckin' crackhead.
Die die die!
Don't back talk me, bitch.
Die die die!
Wanna fuckin' go?
Die die die!
You're both incapable of intellectual thought processes, aren't you?
Shut up you fucking degenerate.
You know what they said on the -2 o' clock news? Glaaaglaaaglaaaaaeeeeeeyyyyyyyaaaaa!