Neverwinter Nights > NwN General

9 AC

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Ser Red Ronnet Connington:
Are any 9 AC pvps running at all in nwn1?

Since most good servers are just being taken down, i dont think so, there was only Hellrise (which is offline at most, only comes up sometimes ramdomly), RyuÃ?´s server which i think hes not hosting it anymore and GS that is currently down like Mo said, well and antes that its long time dead i think, theres like no good server i used to play on anymore, not even action servers, theyre all down or just have no players anymore..  :(


--- Quote ---nwn1?
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What is this "nwn1" you speak of???

Neverwinter Nights 1....... >_<........ :lol:

Soul Sojourner:
You mean Neverwinter Nights* =D

There's only one NWN. There's one that tries to label itself as the second... but we all know that's bullshit.


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