Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General

The Arts Of Shadows

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Before I had a chance to create my own hider, I cursed them for their none skills.

But I have to take my oppinion about that back, dont doom me for this statement please, :) ... But playing as a hider is kinda fun :) ...

So, I want to discusst hider skills here, what weapon, classes, equipmment etc.?

I am actually "very good" at hiders, no arrogance at all, hehe :) ... I want to share of my "knowledge" :P :D ...

Feel free to post your own oppinions. :)

My oppinion:

I use to hide like 2-3 times or not at all in duels. It's a nice way to get past someone's ac to get a few hits or a sneak attack. I like to duel good hiders. But the problems start if they hide to protect themself and not hide to attack. Like doing the first 2 attacks whit the higherst ab and then hide, move away and do it again. To make sure the other can't target or fight back. This just ruins duels and can give very long duels and a high number of hides. And I can imagen myself that it's hard to resist hiding that much if you start loosing a fight. But it's just wrong.

I can agree you do it against a mage/cleric, maybe against a other hider that hides fast too (if you like to duel that long). But not againt other types of players, or players that try to make a fair fight by not useing spells like wof or iron horn if they have them. How closer the fight ends, how better. And I try to make them as close as possible.

On top of it are there some sents (including me) that don't allow that extreme protectif way of hiding in a duel. This makes problems sometimes because there is no special rule in the books about hiding, but it's about balanced pvp on gs.

If you can use hide and keep a fight fair and fun, you're good. If you think that you're good because the other can't fight back, you better play whit somthing else than a hider. Hide isn't the same as no skill. Hide require skill to be useable for a duel.

You got a fair point :) ... I hide "spam" when people as mages try to do negative burst and balagarns horn :) ... Then it is kinda spam from them, if they do, I do! :)

A tip of creating bullets : Make them in stack sizes of 5, then they an have alot more dmg :) ... I love that trick :D

(Not a bug, because, if you have less bullets, you can do the size of cost for the other bullets on those, logical thinking :P)

I just tried the stack of 5 thing.

It doesn't work.

The price is lower, but the level requirements are the same, no matter the size of the stack.

Hmmm? By saying this you are saying that the person on Godspire named
Shadow of -)CoD(- or something is a hacker?
She had bullets with 20 dmg on 3 dmg types and 5 stack size. This sounds very strange :S ... Gonna look this up when I get home.


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