Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General

just reporting.....

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Elessar Telrunya:
hey all its me!
just reportin how things are going.... no sents are on right now its 11:03 eastern standard time(-5hours of gmt) and a HUGE FFA BROKE OUT IN THE HALLS OF ILUVATAR! just lettin you know before i go and try and stop it without losing my head or my temper :rolleyes:

Lord Elessar


--- Quote --- hey all its me!
just reportin how things are going.... no sents are on right now its 11:03 eastern standard time(-5hours of gmt) and a HUGE FFA BROKE OUT IN THE HALLS OF ILUVATAR! just lettin you know before i go and try and stop it without losing my head or my temper :rolleyes:

Lord Elessar
--- End quote ---
 :blink: Seems fine to me... course it's 12:20...

aw i missed the ffa in the halls i was at school :(  

There was a huge sent gap around 4:45 eastern US time. I had to kill and talk to way too many newbs for not beign a sentinel (dragon summoners, dragon shifters, randomer,random casters). Just to let everyone know

*cough* Hey Mo... :P


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