Author Topic: New Iway  (Read 5926 times)

Offline Amokk

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New Iway
« on: November 29, 2006, 10:27:29 AM »
W/R Steady Stance, Desperation Blow, Fear Me, Sun and Moon, IWay, Comfort Animal, Charm Animal, Rez Sig
W/R Steady Stance, Desperation Blow, Fear Me, Sun and Moon, IWay, Comfort Animal, Charm Animal, Rez Sig
W/R Steady Stance, Desperation Blow, Fear Me, Sun and Moon, IWay, Revive Animal, Charm Animal, Rez Sig
W/R Charge Sworder
P/ Song of Purification
P/ Song of Restoration
R/ Oath Shot Trapper + Quickening Zyphur.
D/N  Order of the Vampire, Signet of Pious Light, Runner

Saw it roll over a few top 100 teams with the dual E-surge/Spirit spike mesmer teams.

Told you "Fear Me!" was the shit, but nobody listens to Punt!

And you can thank Laurent for the prediction that Monks would become optional.

Lots of Steady Stance Desperation Hammer warriors running around in GvG now to, so I doubt it wont be long before this skill is nerfed.

but, I'd like to point out a few things about this build
1 no Monks
2 no E/Mo's
3 no Mesmer's
4 it can roll a guild lord in under 3 minutes
5 clans already are copying this build
6 Iway's not original, but E-Denial Iway is pretty insane.
7 I like it more then they 7 N/Mo 1 E/Mo build I saw the other day.

So if folks are coming up with creative ideas like this, wtf are we doing?

« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 10:28:04 AM by Amokk »

Offline Anheg

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New Iway
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 02:48:19 PM »
So if folks are coming up with creative ideas like this, wtf are we doing?
We are doing HoH and PvE.
My PS3 Game Library:
Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3, Mirrors Edge, Motor Storm, Resistance 2, Rock Band 2, Soul Calibur 4, Valkyria Chronicles