The Tavern of Doors Widget is now available on Throbbleserv! It gives players access to tons of voice emotes, animations and a duel system, all of which need extensive testing. Please report any bugs to this thread.
Duel Manager
The duel manager from Smith Hold has been imported into the Tavern of Doors and can be accessed by targeting another player with the ToD Widget.
Voice Emotes
I've recreated the original NWN voice emote tree (accessed with "v" in nwn) with some added voice emotes. Some that were only accessable through the radial menu (like "poisoned") and some that weren't available to players at all before. Like the original NWN, some of these voice emotes have animations too.
Animation Emotes
Dug deep in the animation files and found a ton of fun animations. Some animations, like playing an instrument, drinking or cooking, look better if you grab items from the Mundane Item Locker. Every animation can be played once or in a loop!
Item Analyzer
Target an item to get feedback on it's total cost and a list of all properties, even hidden ones like visual effects. Remember, level 20 can't use items with a value over 130,000.
Have fun,
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