Author Topic: Bosnian pyramid  (Read 7922 times)

Offline Razor Blade

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Bosnian pyramid
« on: May 29, 2006, 06:29:20 AM »
I'm origanted from Bosnia and there is a pyramid discovered there, that means it's the first pyramid in Europe!!!

here's the link: Pyramid

For the ones of you that don't know where Bosnia is located here's the link

Bosnia and Hercegovina
« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 06:31:02 AM by Razor Blade »
BoSnIaN pRiDe Is My MiNd, BoSnIaN bLoOd Is My KiNd, So StEp AsIdE, & LeT uS tHrOuGh, CaUsE iTs AlL aBoUt, tHe bOsNiAn CreW!
