Mo: "Will you play at his server?"
Me: "No."
I have suspected Mo myself, actually he is in perfect position to do it, and I have heard reasonable theories as to why he would. Nonetheless, there were others that could also possibly fit the bill, but I will tell you, it really all is a strange series of events, also I have always held Mo in high respect, so I ne'er wanted to accept that it could be him, as such, I still do not know.
Me: "How did you expect people to react when you destroy their home?"
Vomeron: "It's my home too."
Mo: "Maybe it should become more RP and less PvP."
Me: "=/"
Taarna: "I've told only a few people my real name, and he knew it started with a ---" --- = random letter. If she wishes to share, fine. But it's not my place.
Tolar: "I don't give a shit who you are, just change it back."
Vomeron: "So you think I am Talon? Yes. I am Talon."
Vomeron: "Oh, so now you think I am Xen do you?"
Vomeron: "Now if I told you all the answers that would be too easy wouldn't it?"
Vomeron: "What's wrong with it? This is the way it used to be."
Me: "Why would Mo even go through with bringing the halls back up, and the site, and then just take it down again? Wouldn't it have been better just to leave it down?"
Tolar: "Maybe he wanted to let it down slowly."
Vomeron: "All this time I've seen you the least." - Directed at Tolar.
Me: "Oh? Then who have you seen the most?"
Vomeron: "Probably you."
Me: "This is bullshit."
Me: "Okay, so did you know me from before all this?"
Vomeron: "I know you all, I know everything."
My very first question directed to Vomeron: "Who are you REALLY?"
Vomeron: "I don't understand."
Me: "You know what I am talking about."
Vomeron: "No, I don't."
Tolar: "Well, nobody will come here." - Cut it short a bit, not sure on exact wording, same saying however.
Vomeron: "Well, this will be a fitting end then."
Tolar: - Something along the lines of going there to bother Vomeron.
Vomeron: "Excellent."
Just some random quotes. It seems proper to show some personality. Now Vomeron, if you read this, there is a HeLL of alot more hahaha. If I was around the most, then I would have seen and heard the most right? You would think so, wouldn't you?
Nobody take any offence to this, sorry if I quoted you and you don't like it, or if I didn't put the exact wording, although the actual meaning is will be the same.
@Calia - HUZZAH!!!